Sheriff Stabbington

Start from the beginning

Jody looked at her and swallowed, unsure of what to do, but after a moment she nodded her head.

"Alright Agent Willis," She said it in a tone that made it clear she didn't believe him. "I have two men here claiming you're their supervisor and that they have your orders to apprehend Marley by whatever means necessary."

Bobby tensed at the mention of the girl's name. "The same Marley you arrested before?"

"That's the one."

"Give one of those idjits the phone." His voice was tense.

Jody quirked an eyebrow and held out the phone to the man in front of her. "He wants to talk to you."

The man took the phone and slowly raised it to his ear. "Agent Willis?"

"Who is this?"

"It's Gregory Fields sir."

"Well you listen here you idjit. That girl Marley there is not the monster that Gordon made her out to be. She's helping hunt monsters now. Spread the word about that, you understand me?"

"I- Uh- yes sir." Gregory licked his lips nervously.

"Good." Bobby paused and nodded his head. "And one more thing. When you spread the word, make sure every hunter also knows this: Marley is under the Winchester's protection. So unless they want to deal with them, they will leave her alone."

Gregory gulped hard and glanced back at Marley, fear suddenly flashing through his eyes. "Got it."

He hung up the phone and handed it back to Jody. "She's all yours Sheriff."

He walked back to the man in the green plaid shirt and helped him walk away towards their car. Jody walked over and knelt down next to Marley.

"Do you think you can walk to my car so I can get you to the hospital?"

"No." Marley shook her head. "No hospitals."

Jody looked at her incredulously. "You have a knife in your gut!"

"Really?" Jody ignored her sarcasm and began trying to pull Marley up to her feet. "Just take me to Bobby's."

As strong as Jody was, Marley was zero help to her in moving and the sheriff realized she was gonna need help getting her into the car.

"Hey, Fields!" The man turned around and she gestured for him to come back over. "Help me get her into my car."

Gregory's face paled slightly at the thought of having to go anywhere near the monster again, but nevertheless he complied, not daring to say no to the sheriff. With Marley held up between them, the two managed to get Marley to Jody's car. Jody glanced to her right at the girl who's eyes were barely staying open and she shook her head as she unlocked the door.

"You'll bleed out before we get there. The hospital is at least 10 minutes closer. You're going to the hospital."

Marley grabbed the keys from her pocket and handed them to Jody. "There's a first aid kit in my car, in the glovebox, it has a blood clotting agent inside. It'll stop the bleeding enough to get me to Bobby's."

"Lay down here on your back while I go get it." Jody opened the back door of her SUV before turning and addressing Gregory. "Help her into the car and then get the heck outta here."

His face was contorted with distaste as he helped Marley up into the seat. As much as he wished he could finish the job and kill her here and now, he wasn't stupid enough to have the Winchesters on their tail for the rest of their short lives. So he turned and left without a word as Marley laid back with a groan. She could feel herself trying to heal, but she also knew the wound wasn't going to be able to heal on its own. Jody came back and opened the packet of the blood clotting agent before pouring it on the wound around the knife.

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