Surprisingly, Bede was more challenging than I had anticipated; over half his team were Fairy-Psychic dual types, which easily took out Salazzle and Skrelp. Not to mention one of his Pokemon was a Mawile, a Steel-Fairy dual type, and my partner's Poison type moves like Poison Fang had no effect on her.

After finally relenting, I swapped out Linoone for what we operatives called a Lotto Pokemon; a randomly selected Pokemon from the huge cache of Pokemon Team Rocket had stolen throughout the years, and I got an Aegislash to finish the job. I would have preferred something a bit more subtle, but I suppose it was better than some Bug type; at least it was local to Galar like my other partners.

It may have been a bit childish being so insistent on finishing the challenge--it wasn't that uncommon to drop out of it--but it was crucial to my plan that I blend in as a challenger, someone of higher status here in Galar. Besides, I had a reputation I had to keep up with, and giving up would certainly seem weak to the other operatives.

The moment I got back to Hammerlocke after defeating Bede, Maddie insisted on meeting up at some place called the Battle Cafe, and this time she would not take no for an answer. So, I met her a block away from the establishment and we walked to the cafe. I was still worried about X--I hadn't seen his face in Galar once since we'd arrived--but Maddie wasn't giving me a spare moment to breathe with how fast she was talking.

"So, Mir-Mir, I've heard all about your brilliant run on the Gym Challenge," Maddie giggled, twirling her braids while she skipped alongside me. She had traded out her oversized Flying Taxi uniform for a big pair of overalls, a yellow shirt with a single white stripe, and some really beat-up sneakers with holes in the toes.

"Really? I didn't notice I was such a big deal," I said, purposefully avoiding eye contact with the posters with my face on it (in my second disguise I'd saved up money for). "Are you mad?!" she exclaimed. "You're a blooming ledge, girlie! Your blinding gym challenge is the talk of Galar! You're making other people think their journey'll be all to pot if they find themselves in the finals with you!"

Well, that definitely put a smile on my face (even if I didn't understand half of what she just said). We finally made it to the cafe, where Maddie insisted on paying and won, so I ordered a slice of vanilla cake with strawberries and an iced tea. Maddie got a little bit of everything, and a GIANT cup of Dr. Pelipper soda she guzzled down in about five minutes.

The moment I bit into my forkful of dessert, sweet strawberry cream exploded in my mouth. It was so rich and sweet, but perfectly balanced with the tartness of the berries and just a hint of salt....

I finished the whole thing so quickly I almost forgot to offer Meowsie a bite. "These sweets are incredible," I said incredulously as I quickly grabbed a bite of a fruit tart. The crust was so flaky and buttery it virtually melted in my mouth, and I watched with a laugh as Maddie buried her fruit under a blizzard of powdered sugar.

"Yep," she said around a mouthful of more sugar than tart. "My pop's known Oscar for Arceus knows how long. Hey, Oscar!" The man working behind the counter (who I learned was the owner of the Battle Cafe), waved to her. "Say, you're challenging Melony next, aren't ya?" Maddie said after swallowing.

"That's right," I said. "Or Gordie. I don't know who'll be in the Gym Leader position when I get there; they're constantly changing out! It's crazy!"
"Well, then, you're aiming to battle Melony, right? 'Cause of your Fire-type, Lazzie, there." I could feel Salazzle's luxury ball stiffen against my side at the nickname.

"Yes, that's right," I said, struggling to keep the wiggling lizard from escaping and poisoning my friend. "Though I don't think Lazzie likes being called that." My side started to heat up, and I quickly shushed Salazzle before her Pokeball burned a hole through my skirt. Maddie just shrugged, oblivious to the smoke rising from my handbag. Unfortunately, it hadn't gone unnoticed to other onlookers.

"Hey, are you okay?" A rugged voice asked from someplace above me. Maddie looked up at whoever was towering over me, squealed and tackled the man to the ground. "Rai-Rai!" she grinned, bear-hugging the Dragon-type Gym Leader. "It's been such a long time!"

WHAT?!?! I mouthed to Meowsie before rising and forgetting my now smoldering bag. "You're friends with Raihan?!" I asked out loud.
"Best friends," she corrected with a tutting finger. "We've known each other since we were in nappies!"

"Probably before, too," he laughed before rising, forcing Maddie to back off him. "Our parents officially met when they were teenagers; her dad almost dropped a Flying Taxi carriage on my dad, who was the Gym Leader at the time."

History repeats itself, I thought. "Anyways, he apologised and talked about his dream to start his own Galarian travel service. My dad helped fund it, and our families have been close ever since."

"In fact, I believe we were supposed to meet them for lunch tomorrow, Mr. I'm-On-Social-Media-All-Waking-Hours-Of-The-Day-But-Somehow-Didn't-Notice-That-My-Best-Friend's-Parents-Posted-About-Their-Casual-Plans," Maddie said, poking a finger in his chest. "Oi, take it easy, Mad-Growlithe Madeline," Raihan chuckled, hands raised in surrender. "I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers."

"Hilarious," she deadpanned, before lighting up and dragging me by the arm to stand in front of Raihan. "How could I have forgotten?! Hanny, this is Mira! She's that one Gym Challenger with an ace victory record."

"We've met," he smirked down at me, cyan eyes glinting. The tip of a sharp tooth hooked over his bottom lip; probably an implant of some kind. I'd heard stories of people whose looks changed over the years to fit the types they specialized in, or to resemble their partner Pokemon, but I didn't really believe it until I'd come to Galar and met Piers, the walking/talking Zigzagoon.

"Well, we'd best be off!" Maddie grinned, pulling me out of the shop. "Don't forget to call me this Saturday, you wanker! I won't excuse another missed meeting, you know!"
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," he shouted back before the door slammed shut behind us.

"Mad-Growlithe Madeline?" I asked as soon as we were out of earshot.
"A nickname I got when we were kids," she grinned. "I was real fierce in battle; my moves were so wild and unpredictable, people started to think I'd lost it! Rai-Rai's just the one who started using it a lot."
"You used to battle?"

"Well o'course; all the time," she grinned, tossing a Pokeball out at the same time. Instead of her Braviary like I was expecting, a huge Noivern appeared and roared. Then, it shrieked when it spotted us and went to nuzzle Maddie's hair. "We both got Dragon types as our first Pokemon," she explained. "I got Miss Loudmouth here, and he got Goomy. I remember this little bugger chasing the poor thing until she slid into a vase and refused to come out."

I pictured a terrified, slimy Dragon-type cowering in fear from a tiny Noibat, and the thought almost made me snort aloud. "'Course, Gooey's all grown up now and she doesn't get bothered by Noivern, but it's nice to think back and remember when I was a kid, you know?" I nodded; I understood completely. Of course, I didn't have what one would call a common upbringing, but it was joyful nonetheless.

I was shaken from my thoughts by a sudden rumbling. People were shrieking in the streets and pointing at the Hammerlocke Gym; red beams of light were shining through the domed roof of the stadium, very similar in color to the aura that encompassed Pokemon when they were Dynamaxing.

Then, with a low bellow, a huge, steel Pokemon that resembled a skyscraper burst through the roof, sending glass flying into the streets like fleeing bird Pokemon. People screamed as huge spikes of metal popped up in the streets, spearing buildings and making the entire city shake.

"Rai's Pokemon are Dynamaxing out of control," Maddie yelled, pulling me away before a giant steel pike could spear me in the ribs. "We've got to get to the stadium and help him! Come on!"

Project: Titans -- A Pokemon Story (OC x Piers)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu