Dot is not Dot/Institute

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We finally arrived at the ally by our apartment building.

"Mom! Mom!" Clary screams.

Then we see blood. If I remember that was Dot's. Wait did...did she make it? I...I don't remember. No keep it together Lily. We have to be strong for our Kit.

Clary opens the door and goes inside. "Mom!" The place is ransacked.

"Clary do you remember all that stuff I taught you?"

"Not the time to ask! Where is mom!"

"Do you remember?!"

"Yes!" She yells back at me.

"Good, use it." With that I grab a sword. It want do anything but it will will keep it at bay until Jace gets here. Oh I hope he still comes. "Ome on Kit let's check upstairs."

"Yeah...ok." She picks up an axe.

And we walk into the apartment. I spot 'Dot' right away.

"*Sigh* Dot." Clary says in relief almost dropping the axe. But I guess at the last second she rememberd what I had taught her.


It was a day of training. I was 12 and Clary 9. I was teaching her rules of weapons.

1-Don't go for a weapon that is too heavy.
2-Don't go for a weapon that is too light.
3-Pick a weapon that is balanced.
4-In a fight don't let your weapon do all the work. Use it as another limb of your body.
5-Do not drop your weapon unless surrendering when cornered. When you are in a fight or in a situation that could lead to a fight never drop your weapon.

There are more of them but these are the ones we will be working on so you will memorize them."

"Ok, pick a weapon that is perfect for me. And never drop it unless surrendering."

"Correct Kit."


We working on that for weeks until she finally remembered.

"They took Jocelyn." That shook me from my head, tho my body was still on auto pilot. By that I mean it is always ready to defend myself or Clary.

"Who took her?!" Clary said almost in hysterics.

"Rogue Shadowhunters searching for The Mortal Cup."

"What the hell are you talking about!" Clary asked 'Dot'.

Dot advanced forward.

Oh no you don't

I step slightly in front of Clary.

"Think Clary, Lily. Did your mom ever talk about a cup. A very important cup. It is gold almost like a chalice." She keeps advancing. I push Clary behind me more and back us both away from 'Dot'.

"No, we don't know anything about a cup Dot." I say.

"Maybe one of the antiquities downstairs?" Clary says.

"No. No. Not those." Ugh she keeps getting closer.

"Back up!"

'Dot' looks a little startled. "Ok..." She steps back a couple steps.

"Think this could save Jocelyn, where is the cup?" She continues.

"I can't think," Kit. "Our mom is missing! Someone kidnapped our mother!"

"You know more than you think you do Clary Fray." And 'Dot' face went all eww and lunged.

I push Clary back and slice at 'Dot'.

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