2-Circle Members

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"Clary? Lily?" Captain Vargus comes up the stairs and see us.

"Captain Vargus." Clary says as I stand up and help her get up too.

"It's 2 in the morning what are you doing here so late?"

"Luke said he would drive us home if he was still here." I told her.

"Still doesn't trust those cabies I see. Well he is in the middle of an interview, so it may take awhile."

"C-cool." Clary way to go on the stutter. "We'll wait in the cafeteria." We both start walking away.

"Hey, uh...is there some sort of problem? Guy trouble?"

"Yeah...sure...guy trouble...something like that." Way to make us look suspicious Kit, good job.

Captain Vargus walks away and we go around the corner and once she is aways away we turn back to go down the stairs.

"The minute we found out Jocelyn Fairchild was alive you were easy to track." One of the Cirlce members sitting at Luke's desk says.

"Fairchild?" Clary asks and looks at me.

"That is our family name. But for the sake of hiding mom made it Fray." I tell her not looking away from Luke.

"Turns out you and Jocelyn were never far apart. The Circle has her now and it is only a matter of time before we catch the daughter's." The man says.

"You can have all three if you give up the mortal cup." The lady tries to make a deal with Luke.

"I don't care about any of them. They mean nothing to me. Kill them if you want." Luke, it hurts worse then I would have thought. Even tho I knew it had to be said. I never saw him as a step father but as an uncle.

"My people want the cup. Why do you think I have been hanging around here all these years." Lule continues. "And when I find the cup, I'm going to keep it." He says as he stands up. "And you can tell Valentine and the Circle that."

"No one mentioned Valentine." The lady says.

"You didn't have to." Luke says as he lightly shakes his head.

"Listen to me-" the guy points at Luke.

Luke slaps his hand away. "No, you listen to me, get out of my office."

Clary slides down the wall to sit on the stairs and starts hyperventilating alittle. "Mom...mom..." and up she is, atleast this time she didn't leave me behind but grabbed my arm and pulled me behind her.

Sorry these are short. I'm been kinda busy so I'm trying to give as many as I can in between what I have to do. It also takes awhile because I am using the actual words from the show, so I have to watch and type at the same time.

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