"Pietro wake up," Said Raven. This was so awkward.

Raven finally just slapped him, full-on slapped him.

This seemed to do the trick. Pietro groaned as his eyes squinted open.

He looked around, confused but when his eyes fell on Raven, he just grinned.

"Good morning Raven" he smirked. Raven rolled her eyes, regretting her decision to wake him up instead of just leaving him here.

Raven opened her mouth to say something but she froze.

Pietro had just pushed the covers off of him to expose his bare chest.

Mhm... completely shirtless.

Raven didn't even notice that he was getting up.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when he began talking. Raven shook her head to focus herself only to find a messy-haired Pietro standing right in front of her, smirking.

"What? You missed me already?"

Raven rolled his eyes, Why did she even bother with this?

"Breakfast is ready, none of us trust you to get to the kitchen without getting lost" His expression didn't falter one bit.

"So you're worried about me?" He took another step closer.

Keep your eyes up Raven.

Eyes up.

"Just hurry up okay?"

Pietro didn't move for a moment, just looking down at her. Raven could practically feel her heart beating.

"Alright" he shrugged, a grin still playing on his lips.

He walked to the desk chair and picked up the shirt that was lying there. He put it on and walked into the bathroom.

Raven let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

She could not wait until SHIELD got the Hydra problem under control and then they would leave,

just a little longer... just a little longer.

But then again-

Breakfast wasn't as awkward as dinner had been last night. Austin started a conversation with Sam and Bucky about different kinds of missions. Wanda was talking about food with Sasha, Amber joining into their conversation. Pietro was attempting to tell Raven different jokes but she didn't pay attention. Instead, she was listening to the incoming footsteps that were getting closer.

"He's coming," She said loudly. The kids immediately quieted down and the Avengers looked around, confused. Adrien walked into the kitchen with a big smile on his face.

"Good Morning Children," he said happily

You may be thinking, Adrien was one of those evil teachers but he really wasn't. He was a bit strict and he cared that the children followed the rules but he wasn't mean. He really did help them.

"Good Morning Avengers, How was your night at Kennedy school?"

All the Avengers gave him approving words such as, "very pleasant", and "the beds were comfortable."

Adrien smiled happily and then turned to the children who were waiting for him to sit down before they started eating.

"Eat up, you have team training today meaning you need your strength"

"Team training?" Asked Steve, he was very interested in what the kids did to train with their powers.

Raven sighed, it's not that she didn't like training, she just didn't want the Avengers to join... that would be awkward.

Adrien nodded "We'll be doing teams today." He announced to them. The kids groaned. None of them liked teams because it meant they had to fight each other with their powers, it was usually a messy fight.

"Teams?" Asked Clint, who had noticed the frowns on some of their faces.

"We split into teams and fight each other, sometimes we play capture the flag or something" explained Luca, who was looking down at his food.

"How do you make it a fair fight? Since you guys have different abilities"

"It usually isn't, some of us are stronger, some are smarter, some can move faster. It can never really be a fair fight" Amber told them.

"You Avengers are welcome to join them in training," Said Adrien happily.


Steve looked around, Raven was crossing her fingers under the table.

"We need to keep up with training, might as well"

Oh, God...

this was going to be...


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