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This morning I wake in Grayson's arms and for a moment, everything feels right again, but I know everything is far from right. 

Today I'm going to have to talk to dad and mom and ask their advise as to what to do about Christian. I don't want to be with him, but I also don't want him bringing my family any kind of trouble. I know how Grayson, Colson and Ace would deal with it, they'd have him killed and be done with it, but Dad is usually more level headed when it comes to these kinds of things. 

Last night after Grayson and I got into bed, we spent hours talking, not about Christian, but rather about me and how I've been feeling toward myself, and what I might like to do next. 

I know he didn't say it in such words, but he's right... I've always seeked everyone else's approval, I've always needed people to tell me I'm beautiful to feel pretty, I've always needed people to tell me I'm good enough to feel like I've succeeded. But then all it takes is for one person to say something unkind and that's all I see, and think, and feel, it no longer matters that fifty people think I'm enough, all I hear is that one person who says I'm not. 

Rolling over, I watch Grayson sleeping peacefully next to me. He is still as perfect as ever, and I'm glad to see a new side of him, a side that want's to talk and be open and honest about things, maybe things could turn around for us. But I shouldn't jump into anything too quickly, after all I need to work on myself and love me before I can truly love anyone else.

"I can hear you thinking." He says as he opens his eyes. 

"I was thinking about our talk last night, thank you again." 

"You don't need to thank me, I'm always here." He reaches out and moves my fallen hair from my face. "How are you feeling this morning?" 

"Good, I've had a few story ideas rolling around in my head for the last couple of months, and today is the first day I've woken with the urge to put them onto paper... well, a word document, you know what I mean." I giggle. 

"That's fantastic." He smiles. 

"But?" I raise a brow. 

"I meant how are you feeling about Christian this morning?" 

"Oh... him." I sigh. "I don't know Gray, I want to forget he was ever part of my life, but I know I'm going to have to face him sooner or later." 

"Do you want to head downstairs and talk with your family?" 

"I think that's a good idea, I should probably get out of your bed before Poppy comes in and gets the wrong idea." 

"She'd love to find us in here together." He chuckles. 


We enter the dining room to find the entire Shelby crew minus Willow (who is probably still sleeping) and the kids sitting down together for breakfast.

"Good morning sweetheart." mom smiles.

"Morning, how was your date night?" I ask, taking my position at the table. 

"It was lovely until we came back to hear all about what happened while we were gone." dad answers for her. 

"Yeah, I guess we need to talk about that." I sigh. 

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