Tanner scoffs and leaves.

James walks over to his choir.

James: Just had a run in with Tanner Shelton.

Madison: The Tanner Shelton?? He is such a huge idol of mine.

James: Well your idol seems to think that we are incompetent to win the competition and that we should go back to the little hole we crawled out of.

Jesse: I bet he wouldn’t say that our faces.

Everyone agrees.

James: Let’s not even stoop down to his level. He seems to be comfortable with his six year winning streak. But I say we overthrow his Prima donna ass.

Everyone laughs and agrees.

James: Now this is it guys, what we have worked for, this will make or break us. We need to give it our all and leave it all on the floor. Preform to the best of your abilities and give it your all. Now Dysfunctionals on three. One…two…. three…

Everyone: Dysfunctionals.

The Dynamo’s go ahead and preform and exit off the stage.

Dynamo performer: Good luck Bebe’s kids.

Jesse tries to go for them but James pulls him back.

Announcer: Now we have anew choir group emerging all the way from (City name). Give it up for The Dysfucntionals.

The come onto the stage and start to perform. They do good and exit off the stage in good spirits.

The Announcer walks onto the stage.

Announcer: Give it up for The Dysfunctionals one more time!

Announcer: As we wait for the results, I want to thank all of the choirs for coming out to compete. Let’s wait for the judges to decide.


James: You guys were amazing!

Pamela: You guys killed it out there.

Vanessa: Better than those Dyna hoes.

Kodi: Mom!

Vanessa: What, am I lying?

The announcer walks back onto the stage with the envelope.

Announcer: Now the moment you all been waiting for.

Announcer: In third…The Troublemakers!

The troublemakers run onto the stage cheering.

Announcer: In second…The Dysfunctionals!

They run out cheering and happy.

Announcer: In first…No surprise there…The Dynamo’s.

Announcer: Congratulations, you guys are all moving to Regionals.

They cheer and exit the stage.

Tanner walks over to James.

Tanner: Not bad welfare kids, but you haven’t even reached the same playing field as me.

James: Don’t you have a Brazilian wax to get to?

Everyone laughs.

Tanner: Come along Dynamo’s; let’s leave charity where it’s at.

As they walk away, Kodi sees Sabrina in a Dynamo uniform. She looks at him and walks with them.

Pamela: Who in the hell is he calling charity?

James: Calm down Mrs. James. If there is any physical or verbal altercation between any choirs, it calls for an immediate disqualification. But you guys were outstanding, I told you guys you had it in you, why don’t we celebrate this victory?

Everyone cheers.

Vanessa’s phone goes off. Her boss wants her to come in.

Vanessa: Harvey needs me at work, I have to leave.

Kodi and Isabella kiss and hug their mom. Jesse stands there, disappointed.

James: Jesse, aren’t you going to hug your mother?

Jesse: For what, she always does this, leaving us at every turn, naww!

James: Boy, that is your mother, the one who is responsible for giving you life or did you forget that?

Vanessa: No it’s fine, I deserve that, I’ll see you guys at home and congratulations once again.

Isabella: Why are you such a jerk?

Jesse: I’m not the one always abandoning the family.

Isabella: But you know mom works hard for us, remember dad is not here supporting us.

Jesse: Well neither is she.

James: Quiet, both of you, I don’t want to here another word about this, let’s go.

The bus ride home is silent.

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