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The System no longer attempted to communicate with Yu Hua. Their paths were different. They had different aims. It sought something different from Yu Hua. The System couldn't use speech to prevent It and Yu Hua's battle in which both sides lost. Yes, Yu Hua had not chosen again to attack by absorbing the System's power. Instead, he was using his own power to cancel out the System's. This was a battle which neither would win.

In this battle, Yu Hua had left himself no way out. With Xiao You protecting the levelers, Yu Hua had nothing behind him to worry about. He could finally let loose all of his power. From within the System came a prolonged whinny that seemed to come from an abyss. It had always avoided directly crossing swords with Yu Hua, adopting the method of exhaustion. This was because It wanted to leave Itself a way out. It didn't want to commit Itself irrevocably.

But Yu Hua's attitude had forced it to gamble whether it wanted to or not. It gathered all Its power to attempt to swallow Yu Hua's energy. If it won, then the System would control immense power. If it lost, then both sides would lose. Yu Hua would also die.

From beginning to end, there was a trump card the System hadn't used. This was all the parallel worlds It controlled. A world's power was huge and varied. Even the System needed time to absorb and transform it. If It contained it by force, the power the System absorbed would be too jumbled and hard to control. The System avoided directly consuming as much as It could. It chose comparatively gentle means of absorbing power. But this time, in order to deal with Yu Hua, It couldn't hesitate.

Having gone through countless calculations, the System determined if It gathered the power of all the worlds and attempted to consume Yu Hua, Its chance of success was 51.32%. But in doing so, it would have to hibernate again for billions of years to completely transform that power. Even if it failed, Yu Hua would still die in the power vortex. Yu Hua's probability of survival was only 1%.

The System didn't know that the results of Its calculations and Yu Hua's were one and the same. Yu Hua had already predicted what it would do. When It concentrated Its consciousness to absorb all the fragments of world law, Yu Hua's "rule writer" appeared from nowhere. In a flash of strong light, the "rule writer" disintegrated and scattered, the power dispersing to different worlds.

This is your origin ability. You are abandoning your power. Why? No calculation arrives at this outcome. Unable to comprehend. Countless error codes turned into jumbled messages submerged Yu Hua like the tide.

In the maddening tide of messages, Yu Hua remained steady as a rock, continuing to release his power. This was his arrangement with the world law. Back then, after sending You Zhengping and the others out of the little world, Yu Hua had wandered alone for thousands of years, once more walking the road he had walked before.

But unlike before, Yu Hua had obtained the "allegiance" of the world law fragments of 3,341 worlds and left behind a rule— When the "Tyrant" lays down his authority, the "worlds" will forge on towards "revolt" and "freedom."

It was only one rule. The System had no way to detect what Yu Hua had left behind, because this was a rule that would only be executed when Yu Hua willingly divided up his power among these worlds.

In the void, countless fragmentary world laws blossomed into splendor under the command of Yu Hua's rule. Compared to all the worlds the System controlled, those 3,341 worlds were probably only a drop in the ocean. When those three thousand and more radiances lit up, they formed a stable multidimensional structural form, firmly guarding the other worlds.

The law of You Zhengping's world at last stepped in at this moment. With the kindling Yu Hua had left behind on those 3,341 worlds to aid It, It awakened the fragmentary world laws. More and more worlds lit up with radiance, like a sky filled with stars. A single spark can set the grasslands ablaze.

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