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While You Zhengping was only a patrolling auxiliary policeman in name, when he had no special assignment, he would still patrol along with the main force. This way, he could reasonably conceal his identity. Their auxiliary police team isn't normally busy, so they had greater maneuverability.

At 11 AM, when You Zhengping finished his routine inspection assignment and returned to the bureau to wait for lunch, he saw Cen Xiao and the other Protectors gathered together, talking and laughing. Even Lian Yufan's group, which had later been incorporated into the squad, was happily getting along with the others, laughing at something unknown.

You Zhengping walked over and said with as much dignity as he could muster, "What are you doing? Our work is lighter than that of other police personnel, but we still can't make such a show of it. It makes a bad impression to get together and loaf around!"

He was after all an auxiliary police squad captain, amounting to being at the leadership level. When Cen Xiao had violated the new regulations by carrying a passenger on the motor scooter, You Zhengping had also been reprimanded. Since then, he had been especially attentive to police conduct and discipline. Even though their positions were different, if they wore these uniforms, they had to assume the corresponding responsibilities.

"We're not," Cen Xiao said, laughing and turning his head. "Boss, come here and watch, it's so much fun! Anyway, we're not slacking off, we're working! Hahaha!"

His unbridled laughter really didn't look like he was working.

"Who are you calling boss? A bandit like you can call me Captain You," You Zhengping said aloofly. "Anyway, it's almost time for the midday break, so I can watch with you."

He came over carrying a cup of water, glancing over as he drank. In an instant, he was startled by the picture on the phone into spraying water all over his teammates's heads.

"Control yourself, Captain You. Don't drink while watching the livestream!" His teammates all wiped their heads.

"Ahem!" You Zhengping quickly put down his cup. The livestream had scared him into splashing water all over the floor. Luckily, he'd been drinking warm water that Yu Hua had put into a thermos mug for him that morning, so it didn't burn anyone.

On the phone's tiny screen, three people were dancing. These three were all very familiar to You Zhengping. Naturally they were Zhen Li, Yuan Luori, and Lian Yufan. Zhen Li was leading, using his dabbler's skills to teach the two new people.

Zhen Li said, "The next move I'm going to teach you is the foundation of all dance movements. It tests the strength of your back and legs, your flexibility, and your control of your leg muscles."

When he had spoken, he took a striding leap, bent his knees in midair, the muscles at the front of his calves pulled taught. He came down on the ground and slid over it for several meters. During this process, Zhen Li's waist was very supple. He made excellent use of his core strength. His movements throughout had been fluid and natural, his posture very precise.

"Did you see that clearly? The trick is that it's not your knees that touch the ground, it's the muscles at the front of your calves, which protects your knees. Our knees are non-renewable resources. We have to use our muscles to protect our bones and tendons," Zhen Li explained to the other two. Barrage comments flew by following his move:

[If I saw that right, that move...]

[A sliding kneel, the most precise and excellent sliding kneel to protect yourself in a crisis!]

[Heavens! He's turned the sliding kneel into a cheat code to pass on to the two newbies. President Zhen is too selfless, too touching!]

[Yuan Luori is dancing, he's dancing! Before during the lifestreams Yuan Luori sat there not moving like a sculpture, but this time he's participating in learning the sliding kneel (crossed out) the dance movement. He must have been moved by President Zhen's passion!]

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