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Yu Hua never thought that he was unhappy. Every day since meeting You Zhengping, he had been very happy. While there were in fact many stumbling blocks on the road ahead now, he could lift his foot and kick them away. How much strength would it take?

Of course, the process involved a lot of trouble. It also made Yu Hua very worried. For example, at first when his power had suddenly increased, he had been unable to have intimate contact with Xiao You. For another example, he had accidentally broken the phone Xiao You had given him. 

Also, he had fretted about how to make (launder) the money to support Xiao You. Or, for another example, after finding out Xiao You's identity, he had to worry about how to be a better family member to a Protector. Finally, there was the problem of getting those pants back... Ahem, never mind about the pants.

In sum, all of Yu Hua's worries and vexations came from considering how to treat You Zhengping better. It was all troubling, but as soon as he remembered that all his worries were for the sake of a better future, even the worrying was happy.

In fact, when he had found out that Xiao You was a Protector, when the surprise had passed, Yu Hua had been rather glad. He had thought that he had been silently doing battle with both the Destroyers and the Protectors. 

He hadn't known that he and Xiao You were fellow travelers. At the amusement park, when he had been considering how to teach Yuan Luori a lesson, Xiao You had also been beating up Yuan Luori out of anger that Yu Hua had been injured.

It was tiring going ahead on your own. With someone to accompany you, you wouldn't be lonely. When Yu Hua had seen Xiao You injured, he had been genuinely enraged, distressed, sad, and even fearful when it was over. Apart from that, up to today, the rest had all been happiness.

Even when he had accidentally kissed Xiao You under the black-cloaked man's identity, it had quietly raised his expectations. Would Xiao You realize that he was the black-cloaked man because of that? Would Xiao You get suspicious and secretly go through his phone, his pockets, his nightstand, the underside of the mattress, the safe, the bank card history, the browser records, and the suitcase on top of the wardrobe? With this small expectation, Yu Hua was once again happy.

"We're very happy now." Yu Hua wiped his somewhat oily hands. He turned, kissed You Zhengping's forehead, and smiled in satisfaction.

Seeing Yu Hua's totally unknowing look, You Zhengping gradually steadied in the midst of his distress. Lian Yufan's mother's pain, Luo Huai's pain—he wouldn't let that happen to Yu Hua. The Protector Perpetuation Program had been built on the basis of the Destroyers running wild and the need for people to stand up and do battle with them. 

In the fifteen years that there had been no Destroyers, the Protector Perpetuation Program had gradually stopped. As long as there were no Destroyers, this program would never have a chance to start again.

You Zhengping thought that his generation was blessed. From Zhen Li and Yuan Luori, they knew that the Destroyers had a System behind them, and the System was the true mastermind. And the System had taken heavy damage in a fight with a powerful "clearer" (Zhen Li had mentioned him to Yuan Luori), so there had been no Destroyers in their world for fifteen years. 

Now, the damage to the System hadn't been repaired yet, and it was going to do battle with the black-cloaked man again. As long as they could use the black-cloaked man to get rid of the System, then they really could deal with all the Destroyers once and for all!

You Zhengping clenched his fist. He loved the world and was willing to protect it with all his strength, but he was also human. He had selfish desires. He hoped to attain happiness. Lian Yufan's father had been unable to give both sides what they wanted, leading to Lian Yufan's pessimism and rationality. 

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