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Huan Zixu noticed Yu Hua's expression and was faintly curious. He felt like there was some profound meaning in it. Yu Hua collected the signed-in-triplicate "indenture" and instructed Zhen Li and Lian Yufan: "I'm to go put this on record at the Bureau of Personnel. In a while the show group will come and have you filmed according to my script. Lian Yufan is responsible for receiving them. After all, you are the public relations director. If you aren't up to it, then let Director Ha take your place."

He walked to the door and saw out of the corner of his eye that Yuan Luori was about to take his glasses off again. He had been scared by his vision going black before and hadn't wiped his glasses. Now he thought that his eyes were fine, so he wanted to try wiping them again.

Yu Hua was in the studio, and so was Lian Yufan. Yuan Luori couldn't be allowed to take his glasses of right now. So Yu Hua stopped in his tracks as and said, feigning carelessness, "Oh, right, you post a funeral announcement on the official account yesterday, then deleted it. I just saw someone's screenshot and thought it was very strange. How did you speak rudely to me? What merits stopping the livestreams for three days? I didn't have any contact with you two yesterday."

Yuan Luori stopped in the process of taking of his glasses. Lian Yufan, who was going to help him out with optometry, didn't move a muscle. Zhen Li's face went rigid; he didn't even dare to move his eyeballs. If Huan Zixu hadn't been able to see the seconds changing on the electric clock on the wall, he practically would have thought that time had stopped!

Right, Yu Hua wouldn't remember that. Huan Zixu had changed his "impression," the handsome uncle Protector had taken him home and deleted the messages on his phone, and Zhen Li had complied with the order to delete the studio's public announcement. But netizens took screenshots. Yu Hua had a public account. Some well-meaning netizens had messaged him in private or sent an @, telling him that Zhen Li and Yuan Luori had posted a status and then quickly deleted it.

It was normal for Yu Hua to ask about this, but the atmosphere of the airflow in the studio stopping was entirely abnormal! Couldn't Zhen Li think up a joking excuse to brush it off? Four or five ways to respond instantly flashed through Huan Zixu's mind, but he had just come to the studio and shouldn't know about this. He couldn't put in a word.

"The public announcement... Shouldn't that be Director Lian's responsibility? Apart from the livestreams, all the work updates and public statements to do with the studio are your area." Yu Hua looked coolly at Lian Yufan. 

"Even if you didn't know about it at the time, you still should have asked after the fact. Don't fob me off with 'I didn't,' 'it wasn't me,' 'I didn't know.' The fans have come all the way to asking me. How are you planning to explain this?"

The three of them didn't speak. Even Director Ha stopped shaking off water and stood unmoving at Yuan Luori's feet, pretending to be a toy dog.

"Who wrote out 'public announcement' to make it look like 'funeral announcement?'" Yu Hua asked in a level voice.

"Me," Yuan Luori said, raising his hand. "My eyesight is bad, and my academic background isn't good. I wrote the wrong thing. And it was Zhen Li who made me write it. He's the boss. I do whatever he says!"

Yuan Luori kicked the ball to Zhen Li, and Zhen Li sucked in a breath. His emotions were so roused that he nearly hyperventilated himself into a faint. He pointed to Lian Yufan and said, "I was going to leave it. It was Director Lian who made me delete it!"

The ball was kicked once again to the director of public relations. Lian Yufan was not to be outdone. He said at once, "I only took care of the public relations issue in a timely manner when I discovered this. The two of them messed up in the first place! I was still thinking of a plan for how to explain it."

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