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Because Zhen Li and You Zhengping had accomplished the magnificent feat of getting three basketballs in at once, quite a few of the people strolling around the arcade had come over to the basketball area to watch the two great masters shoot hoops.

By the time the two of them got five balls in at once, there was a large audience watching the worldwide basketball throwing championship. There was even someone recording it with their phone and posting it online.

In the recording, a very attractive young man wearing a glistening green jacket was competing at shooting hoops with a handsome uncle with a perfect figure, whose face showed the marks of time. These two people's attractiveness, bearing, and technique were all first-rate. As soon as the recording was posted, it was instantly reposted countless times.

And among the characters in the recording, sometimes a figure would appear. This person's attractiveness and figure were in no way inferior to the other two, but his shooting technique was appalling. The sharp-eyed netizens discovered this person—

[First I was sighing over the two great masters' faces...ahem, the two great masters' techniques. When I was getting ready to kneel, I saw that person in the corner of the recording, and I stood back up. I may not measure up to the great masters, but I'm better than next door.]

[The three of them are standing in a row. Could I ask that person who can't get the ball into the hoop no matter what he does, what gave him the courage to fight alongside two gods?]

[Probably because of his attractiveness. After all, the three of them are all just as handsome...]

[If we're talking about attractiveness, I have to kneel again. I have no way to attain that kind of attractiveness.]

[Everyone is cheering for the two great masters' technique. Was I the only one cheering when the hot guy next to pumped his fist when he finally got the basketball to touch the hoop? Poor guy, don't you see how hard he's trying?]

[I'm also cheering for next door. He looked so adorable when he pumped his fist in celebration.]

[Go, handsome, go! While your technique can't measure up to the other two, you won't lose to them in attractiveness!]

[I looked at the address, and it's at the shopping mall down the street from me. I'm dropping the unfinished hotpot in front of me to rush to the arcade to look at the hot guys. What's important isn't how good their basketball technique is, it's how good their faces are.]

[I'm dropping my Häagen-Dazs to come. What the hell is it doing keeping me from looking at hot guys?]

[I'm dropping my movie ticket to come, what the hell, the actors aren't as good-looking as the basketball-playing hot guys.]

As the recording spread, many people at the mall came to the arcade. When Zhen Li was struggling to hold six basketballs with two hands, there were cheers and applause all around. Hearing the surrounding voices, Yu Hua looked around himself and saw that he was surrounded by people whistling and cheering. It made Yu Hua feel instantly uneasy.

He didn't like the feeling of being surrounded by people, he didn't want to attract attention, and he was only a social failure who had lost his job. If You Zhengping found out he hadn't gone to look for work but had instead gone to fool around at the arcade, You Zhengping would definitely be hurt.

Yu Hua knew that You Zhengping would never think he was useless. His husband was willing to wage war on the world for him. Before they were married, Yu Hua had asked You Zhengping, if Yu Hua couldn't earn money one day, what would they do?

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