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Even the richly experienced Director Xiao couldn't avoid being persuaded by Huan Zixu, never mind the young Protectors, as well as Zhen and Yuan. The Destroyers and Protectors were actually two sides of the same coin, and whether they were good or evil wasn't up to them to determine, but part of the battle between the System and the world law. If the world law lost and couldn't prevent the System's invasion, they would also become Destroyers in the future, become what they hated, go on to invade other worlds.

Hatred and antagonism against Destroyers had become nearly instinctive for the Protectors. As soon as they thought that they might become what they loathed most, the Protectors shuddered. This shocking news made nearly made everyone accept Huan Zixu's explanation wholesale. Huan Zixu calmly picked up a cup of water and drank of a mouthful of warm water.

He didn't want to be like Zhen Li and Yuan Luori, who seemed to be the Protection Organization's informers but in reality were being halfway monitored. If they lost their usefulness, whether they would be killed or let go was entirely for the Protection Organization to decide. They had no power to make their own decisions.

If he wanted to guarantee his and Feng Kui's safety, he had to assimilate into the Protection Organization. Assimilating into a group was simple. You only had to demonstrate two things: First, you and I are the same; second, we have a common enemy.

Huan Zixu had fed the Protectors a delicate mix of seven parts truth to three parts falsehood, establishing the idea that the System was their common enemy. But the System was too far away. The Protectors didn't have experience directly observing the System or bone-deep hatred towards it. To ensure a close relationship, it was best to establish a short-term enemy, and the black-cloaked man, whose allegiances were unclear, was naturally the ideal choice.

Huan Zixu wasn't really intending on letting the Protection Organization see the black-cloaked man as an enemy. That would be asking for death. He only wanted the Protection Organization to feel a sense of danger from some other powerful source and gradually come to rely on his intelligence and analysis. This way, he could keep the initiative.

"That's wrong." While everyone was shaking and dazed, the handsome uncle Protector once again went around Director Xiao and said, "There's something you're wrong about."

Seeing this person open his mouth, Huan Zixu sat up straight and, seeming casual while in fact cautious, said, "It hardly matters whether it's wrong or right. I'm only setting out my conjectures."

"You aren't conjecturing, you're confusing the issue." The handsome uncle Protector reasoned clearly: "You just said that the System has no way to remove the initial item and the origin ability, and neither does the black-cloaked man, and the origin ability is bestowed on Destroyers by the world law. But you also said that the System puts the origin ability in its market at the lowest cost in points, and that if the Destroyer doesn't equip it within ten worlds, the System can withdraw the origin ability. That runs counter to what you said." Huan Zixu looked quietly at the handsome uncle Protector, not speaking.

The handsome uncle Protector said, "The black-cloaked man can even absorb the System's energy, so can't we reason that he has the same ability to withdraw the origin power? Except that he didn't do that. Even if he couldn't absorb the origin ability, at least he could have destroyed that energy. But for both Yuan Luori and Zhen Li, he didn't do that.

"According to what you've said, you can use points to equip the origin ability, and points can upgrade the origin ability and the initial item. Then can't I understand that to mean that the points are the natural law power that the System has taken from worlds it has already occupied? So whether you're a Destroyer or a Protector, the origin ability is a potential you carry with you, but activating the origin power has to rely on the acknowledgment and support of world law."

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