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Director Ha was also dazed from the cold. In a few short days...or hours...or minutes... Never mind, that wasn't important, it didn't know what the difference in passage of time between the little world and the outside world was. It had no idea how much time had passed!

At any rate, in a very short span of time, it has successively experienced danger in the rain with Junjun, running around with Junjun in the contest game, managing to get food, and having a great demon with the same scent as Yu Hua taken it to share it among strangers. It had slept out in the open with Junjun. 

It had waited until the match started and drunk a bit of warm water in the lounge. While Yu Hua had been taking part in the contest, Junjun had found a room where he could give Xiao Ha a bath. When it had been washed and its fur brushed, their surroundings had changed.

From the warm little contest room they had gone directly to ruins where it was -40°C. Only Director Ha's external fur had dried. The fur close to its skin was still damp. The cold wind blew, and the Siberian husky was instantly frozen into a popsicle.

And Junjun was only wearing a single layer of summer clothes. The child and dog yelled in the cold and finally found a board where they could avoid the wind and snuggle up against each other to keep warm. Director Ha used its belly fur to keep Junjun warm while Junjun brushed shards of ice off of Director Ha's back.

As they helped each other, the child and the dog thought that the board keeping them out of the wind was their only refuge. Now someone had overturned their sheltering board. How could Director Ha not be angry?

It hadn't seen clearly who had come. It hopped up and immediately let out an enraged howl at this person, its throat letting out a long "Awwwwwooooo!" Listening to it closely, it sounded something like human speech.

After it had called twice, Junjun pressed down on Xiao Ha's chest. Director Ha at once quieted down. Junjun said, "Yu Hua-gege? Shushu?"

In each world, levelers were impacted by the world's power and the upgrading of their own physical condition. There would be slight changes to their external appearances. These changes were very faint. You couldn't see them over the course of a world or two. But after hundreds and even thousands of worlds, compared to the person's original appearance, the difference would be very large.

This Yu Hua was different from the young man in the eleventh level. He was also different from Director Yu in the real world. He was somewhere between the two. This made Junjun very confused. He wasn't sure who this person actually was.

Director Ha had had experience with levelers' features changing, so it guessed at once that this was Yu Hua. It didn't dare to call out anymore. Tail between its legs, it hid behind Junjun. Junjun's short, skinny body couldn't block Director Ha's increasingly large form. A dog's face with a black nose stuck out from behind the little boy.

"This dog seems to have a special ability. Is it a local mutant or something else?" Guan Shaoguang asked deliberately while knowing the answer.

Yu Hua's gaze swept over the dog and the little boy's trembling bodies. He waved his hand slightly. Warmth flowed into the child and the dog. The frost evaporated from Director Ha. Its fur was lush, and with the help of this warmth, its body was instantly no longer cold. Hiding behind Junjun, it called a grateful "awooawoo" to Yu Hua.

Junjun very politely gave Yu Hua a pioneer's salute. "Thank you, Yu Hua-ge-shu."

"Pft." You Zhengping couldn't hold back a laugh. What kind of address was "ge-shu?" The poor child.

Junjun also offered Yu Hua a piece of milk candy with both hands. Yu Hua-ge-shu had helped him. He had to be grateful, though he only had a few pieces of candy left. Yu Hua took the candy from the child's hands, met the boy's sincere eyes, and nodded. "Take them to the assembly point and give them some clothes."

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