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Yuan Luori looked in the mirror, pulling at the loose shirt he was wearing. It felt uncomfortable. He was an assassin, a killer. He preferred dressing in dark, skintight, flexible clothing that was convenient for hiding, not this kind of colorful shirt that showed his waist when he lifted his arms and his shoulders when he put them down. With a loose shirt like this, it was easy to let a corner trail out if you were hiding in the shadows. No assassin would wear it.

The pants were all right, black and tight, easy to move in, though there were tears in the knees and thighs that showed skin. Yuan Luori tried to cover up a few times without success. He had to let it go. It didn't matter. This was only temporary. For the sake of leaving the Protection Organization's cage, wearing some unsuitable clothes meant nothing!

Yuan Luori had had enough of it here. Each day it was sleep, eat, be questioned, memorize all kinds of laws and statutes and ethics and norms. Even when he was washing his face, the speaker in the room would be playing "Ideological and Moral Education," all about respecting the old and cherishing the young, fraternal affection, observing the social order, observing social morality, establishing proper values, having a healthy state of mind...

Wait! Stop! He couldn't think about it again. If he thought about it again, he'd have it memorized!

The Protection Organization had gone to great pains in order to put Yuan Luori, a Destroyer with a poisonous prior record, into ordinary circulation in society. Apart from questioning him every day, they played the speeches of important leaders even when he was asleep. It was simply the brainwashing method of education.

To force Yuan Luori to learn of his own volition, the Protection Organization had promised that once he tested up to standard, he could leave to carry out the mission of an informer. The test was separated into written and oral, including all kinds of legal common sense, moral common sense, and the analysis of social phenomena. After going through this test, Yuan Luori could have gone to be a public servant.

Yuan Luori had only to think of leaving the Protection Organization's base and helping his idol the clearer, and his heart would fill with motivation. Levelers struggled on the verge of death. Those who survived all had some particular stand-out aspects. If he focused the power of his survival instinct on studying, he was really unstoppable. In only half a month, he got a high grade!

The Protection Organization indicated that he couldn't be proud of these grades. If Yuan Luori's present plight were judged based on Penal Law, he was being released on parole for good behavior. But he had to reinforce his studies, constantly consolidate all the knowledge he had learned before. Within a year of joining the studio, he would have monthly, midterm, and end of term tests. If he failed to meet the minimum standard on one test, then his informer's identity would be revoked, and he would only be able to return once again to his informer's position when he tested 75% or above.

According to Criminal Law, releasing poison in a public area without bringing about dangerous consequences carried a fixed-term sentence of three to ten years. Yuan Luori had not caused major human casualties. Adding in that he was willing to become an informer and cooperate with the organization's work, they had discretion to handle him leniently.

The Protection Organization had discussed it and resolved to have Yuan Luori take tests for three years. After three years of force-fed learning, presumably he would have become a person willing to observe rules and regulations.

Yuan Luori was driven to the studio by a car from the Protection Organization. The person who drove him was Lian Yufan. Lian Yufan was also his custodian, responsible for watching and guiding Yuan Luori.

Lian Yufan asked, "How are your eyes? Have you experienced blindness again?"

"Hmph." Yuan Luori disdained to speak to Lian Yufan. He was the great master clearer's subordinate. He had been forced to undertake a collaboration with the Protectors, but his soul was free. He looked down on the Protectors.

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