Please, Help!

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In my self-loathing moment, I heard a loud thud in Atsu's room. I quickly ran to his door and knocked on it.

Sakusa: "A- -Atsu... is everything alright?" No reply. "Atsu?" I knocked again but still no response. I was about to leave thinking he just wanted to be alone and I don't want to anger him but when I took a step back, I felt dread throughout my whole body; something was wrong.

I tried knocking and calling for Atsu again but when he still didn't answer, I pressed my ear to his door and heard small whimpers. I panicked and took a step back and kicked his door down. I ran in but Atsu wasn't in his bed but I heard the whimpering on the floor and there I saw him shaking violently! I quickly went to him and did my best to stop his shaking by embracing him. I took a handkerchief and put it in between his teeth.

Sakusa: "Sh*t! Atsu... what's happening!?" I kept him in my embrace, he was burning up. I was crying and panicking. "Shhh..." My voice was shaking from fear.

Atsumu: "N- - no..." he started to struggle out of my arms.

Sakusa: "Shhh... I- - I'm here... I'm here Atsu..."

Atsumu: "Nhhg..." He cried pathetically.

Sakusa: "I- - I'm here... I- - I'm no- - not lea...ving you" Sh*t! I'm so scared.

What the hell is happening? I kept crying. Sh*t! I'm so useless! My breathing was quickening. I'm panicking so much. Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! I need to f*cking calm down!


I hit my head on Atsu's nightstand and it actually worked! The pain distracted me from the panic. I wiped away my tears and carried Atsu to my car. I put him in the backseat; making him comfortable the best I can.

I drove like a mad man, and we were lucky that there weren't many people or other vehicles around since it was so late.

When we got to the hospital, I quickly carried him inside; I didn't even care if I was making a commotion. I just want Atsu to be okay.

Sakusa: "HELP! PLEASE..." All eyes were on me. Then a nurse approached us. "Please! Please, help him!" I begged.

Nurse: "Sir..." My panicked breathing came back. "Sir... calm down..." she used a soothing voice.

Sakusa: "Please..." I was crying.

Nurse: "Sir, We'll do everything we can." She called over help and they laid Atsu on a stretcher and started taking him somewhere. I tried to follow but the nurse stopped me. "Sir, you would have to wait out here." She brought me to a waiting area. "Can you please explain what happened?"

I tried to explain the best I can. My voice was cracking and stuttering a lot. I told her how I just heard something and then just found Atsu shaking violently on the floor. My whole body was shaking just from remembering what had just happened, I looked at her with so much desperation. My hands were clutching at each other as they turned white with the pressure. The nurse patted my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile.

Nurse: "Everything will be alright. How about we patch you up as well." I was so focused on Atsu I didn't realized that my head was bleeding, and my injured hand was shaking so much.


Sakusa's POV

It felt like forever when they called for me. I ran to the room Atsu was in, but the doctor was waiting outside. He looked a little surprised to see me.

Doctor: "Are you here for Atsumu Miya?"

Sakusa: "Yes, I was the one who brought him. Is he alright?"

Doctor: "Are you a relative?"

Sakusa: "Umm... no, I'm his roommate..."

Doctor: "Are you friends?" Why is he asking these questions!? I want to see Atsu

Sakusa: "Umm... yes... is he alright? Ca- - can I see... him?"

Doctor: "Tsumu is alright." I felt my body collapse from relief and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Sakusa: "Th- -Thank you..." I was crying a little bit. "Can I go inside and see him?"

Doctor: "Sure."

Sakusa: "Thank you." I bowed and was about to enter the room.

Doctor: "You know... through all these years that I've known that boy, this is the first time I'm meeting someone who cares for him." I looked at him a little confused, he knew Atsu. "Do you mind if we have a little chat?"

I looked at him, he had a sad smile. Looks like he knows something about Atsu. I just slightly nodded and started following him.






Haikyuu//: They Broke MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang