Taehyung jolts up and rages, "What? You can't save her. Then why do you even bother to call yourself a vedic?" The anger burning his insides consumes him. He feels like gripping onto his hairs. Gritting his teeth, he admonishes, "I want her safe and sound. Do you get that?" He sits back and rubs your hand muttering hundred apologies in a single breath. He didn't expect the soup would be poisoned. Always, he perceived Hanyo wished to marry him but what he didn't know that now he isn't the one she longs to marry. Time has brought changes, several drastic changes.

"Y-yes." Is all she manages to answer with, nodding her head in fear. Slowly the pallor reigning on your body is replaced by the faint signs of life. Also, your heart beat slowly retracts to normal. The poison has ceased dissolving in the blood. As a result, your lips slightly regain their color too.

"The poison has stopped spreading for a while but the effects are temporary. We need to perform a surgery to remove the poison completely from her body." Vedic notifies and pauses right when she's about to blurt out the uncertainty of the surgery. In the end whether she'll be able to save you or not, she herself doesn't know but deems it better to stay silent considering the already extremely infuriated King. Straightaway, she takes her leave to lay the groundwork for the surgery.

"I'd wish some time alone."

And everyone files out of the room. Soyeon seems reluctant to leave your side but nonetheless walks out of the chamber and joins her husband by his side. Noticing the tears glimmering in her pearly eyes, Seokjin leans her into his warm embrace. Behind the door, there's Taehyung weeping his heart out, clutching your hand in pair of his and leaning his head against them. He pecks your hand, his tears falling. Regret gnaws up his insides. Only if he has sounded you out earlier about everything... Right now he can't help but feel miserable. He was too consumed about tormenting Hanyo that he didn't think about you. He knew, every damn single thing, but chose to stay silent just to chastise Hanyo the way she deserves.

Flashback -

The night before marriage, as he returns in his chamber there is already someone already waiting for him.

"Taehyung you are not doing right." A warning welcomes him.

"Oh Namjoon hyung. How long you've been waiting for me? Have a seat." Taehyung mutters a casual reply, intently ignoring his words but the elder seems persistent to abandon the topic this easily.

"Queen can't kill halmeoni. How can you not see her innocence?" Brows creased together, tensed folds arise on his forehead. He couldn't comprehend how taehyung who possesses an extraordinary brain and sharpest of senses could believe all this so easily. An amused chuckle  escapes his lips as he lowers himself on the reclining chair and leaning his head back, answers, "Kill halmeoni, forget that, she can't even bring herself to even think about it."

"You know the real culprit. Don't you?" Namjoon looks at the younger with a lifted brow and visualizes the smirk creeping up on his lips. Taehyung lifts his hand into the air, displaying the locket he recovered from the cookhouse during his quest for clues.

"You bought it for queen." Namjoon reminds. Younger nods, eyes admiring the locket.

"But I couldn't give it to her. I gave it to someone else." After a long pause he sighs and names the owner of the jewelry, "Hanyo." Namjoon isn't bit surprised. It was expected from her. She never shared a good rapport with his grandmother anyway. Nor did the old lady agreed to let Taehyung marry her. Her hatred for his granny could be easily anticipated.

"What are you planning to do with her?" Namjoon questions. If Taehyung knows the sinner, he must have something already framed in his mind. Oscillating the locket to and fro, he answers, "Hyung, halmeoni taught me two things. First, painless death is a blessing and second and last, kill someone when they are happiest, when they have everything they want." Elder shakes his head up and down in a small nod. The old lady also taught him the same. These two principles are like the driving force of slytherin judicial system which is more ferocious and fierce than any another.

Rocking his chair back and forth, he stares vaguely at nothing in particular and after inhaling a deep breathe, adds, "Hanyo desires only two things. Me and Sex. Tomorrow I'll marry her and at night there'll be many devil spirits awaiting her on the bed. She won't have any alternate left but to accept her death while getting violated by them." What he has in store for her, startles Namjoon. Taehyung is surely brute and ruthless when it comes to afflict and scourge the felons.

"But I also drank that soup---

Quite aware of his further question, he doesn't feel the need to let him continue and is quick to interrupt him in the middle with his answer.

"You didn't die because the poison was added later. She delivered you soup first through a maid but went herself to hand it to halmeoni and before doing so she went to change her clothes. The poison was added in that interval." It was piece of cake for him. He asked the cookhouse maidens to give him detailed account of every minute event of the day and they quickly blurted out all in fear.

His finger reach out to massage his temple in slow motion. Momentarily closing his eyes, he speaks, "Tomorrow, when everyone will be busy in marriage, I want you to get YN out of the cell and tell her everything. She hasn't eaten anything from a week. Make sure she has a proper meal. I'll meet her after wedding." Taehyung lets out a pained sigh. It wrings his heart to know that you are starving yourself. Namjoon nods, his heart finally relieved. A burden has been hoisted up from his shoulders. Just as he's about to leave the chamber, taehyung chuckles,

"And hyung one more thing, prepare the first morsel tomorrow."

He smiles at the younger and with a nod, leaves the chamber.


1735 words
June 17, 21
4.07K reads
5:30 pm

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