"Raven? H-how?" Her mouth hung open slightly, Olivia was speechless and Raven couldn't blame her. If she had found out her sister died and then suddenly she was standing in front of her with blood around her mouth, she wouldn't know what to say either.

"You're not real."


"No Liv ple-"

"You're not real Ray, leave me alone" Raven couldn't believe what she was hearing. She looked helplessly at the girl standing next to Olivia, the girl was looking between them, confused.

"Olivia, why wouldn't I be real?"

"I've seen you in my dreams, hallucinations, it's my fault you got caught I know that, but you don't have to haunt me everywhere"

What the heck was going on?

"Liv, I'm not haunting you, I'm real, I'm back"

Olivia stood up quickly as though she was about to run away but Raven was faster. She moved in front of Olivia and breathed out "Stop." To her surprise, Olivia actually stopped.

Next, the other girl tried to run, Raven ran in front of her and did the same thing.

"You can't tell anyone!" She shouted at her. The girl looked at her, with dazed eyes, as if she wasn't actually seeing her.

"I won't tell anyone," she said, dreamily

"You won't?" Raven hadn't expected that answer "You'll do what I say?"

"I'll do what you say," she said in the same dazed voice.

"Just go home and pretend you ever saw me," She said hopefully, but she wasn't expecting her to listen. Why would he?

The girl turned around and began walking away as if nothing had happened.


Raven turned back to her sister who looked terrified. It broke Raven's heart for Liv to be looking this scared.

"If you're gonna kill me, just get it over with, please"

"Olivia I'm not gonna kill you, why would you think that?"

Olivia struggled to move, but it seemed like her legs didn't work, they were stuck to the ground.

"Liv, are you okay?"

"I can't move my feet, what did you do to me?"

"I didn't do anything, just try taking a few breaths and slowly moving them or something?" She offered.

Olivia immediately took a deep breath and then carefully took a few steps forward.

"How did you do that?" She asked hesitantly

"Do what?"

"You told me to stop moving, and I couldn't move, and then you told me to move and I did."
Raven was struck, was that true? Had she done that?

"Liv I don't think-"

"What are you?"

This question caught Raven completely off guard.

"What are you?" She asked again slowly.

"I- I don't know"

The next few things happened in a blur. Olivia tried to run, Raven tried to stop her, a lot of commotion, Liv cut herself on the side of the bench,

Blood... oh no.

Raven could feel the weird thing happening in her eyes, her teeth becoming sharper, 


"What? Raven? Oh my God" Olivia was looking at Raven's face, horrified.

"Olivia listen to me" Raven demanded, she didn't have a lot of time before she couldn't control herself anymore. "I am your sister, I am Raven, I'm real, please..."

Olivia didn't say anything, she just stared at Raven with a look Raven could exactly identify.

"My sister is dead."

Raven sighed

She knew what she had to do, she was a monster, Olivia would never be safe with her around. She took a few steps forward and Olivia took a few steps back. Raven grabbed onto her shoulders and Olivia looked terrified.

"Forget you saw me here today, My death was not your fault, I'll come back for you Liv, once I figure this whole vampire thing out I'll come back, I promise"

Raven stood back and watched as Olivia turned and started walking away.

Raven was walking alone down the street again, tears were spilling from her eyes but she made no effort to wipe them away. She wasn't sure what she had expected but it wasn't that.

A presence behind her made her turn suddenly, there was a man behind her. He had brown hair, a neat tuxedo, a small beard, and he was carrying a cane, although he seemed to be walking just fine. He also didn't seem scared of the fact that there was blood around Raven's mouth.

"Hello Raven," He said calmly

"How do you know my name?" Was this another one of the bad men?
"What's important now-" He took a step closer and handed her a handkerchief, which she used to wipe her mouth. "-is that you need help Raven"

Raven finished wiping her mouth and stared at the man cautiously.

"What do you want?" It came out a little harsher than she had meant it to, but it had been a long day, and she wasn't in the mood for some kind of fight or anything like that.

"My name is Dr. Adrien Kennedy, and I can help you" Her eyes snapped up to him, but he looked sincere.


"I run a school, it's for people like you. You'll be safe there, unable to harm anyone"

Raven thought about it, sure it sounded nice, but stranger danger.

"I'll pass, thanks" She was about to walk away when his next words made her freeze.

"What about your sister? You made a promise to her. How do you expect to learn control on your own? I can help you, Raven, you can learn not to hurt people, you can be with your sister again. Isn't that what you want?"   

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now