Chapter 37: I Hope We Never Cross Path Again

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     A large silhouette appears from the wall revealing himself as John. Every Mardoxian army are frozen, speechless seeing the man that they feared the most are standing right in front of them including Dorboro and Ledor.

     "Yo- You! Why are you here?! This is not your Kingdom. And it's not your concern" said Dorboro with shaking voice.

     John smirks at him. "Well it happen because this soon will be my kingdom. So, it sure as hell this is my concern! ". John started to crack his neck and warming up. Then he picks up the giant tree spear above his head ready to throw at them. "Just say the word, Dorboro" said John challenging him.

     King Dorboro just standing there watching him with fear and shaking at his place, Ledor is no exception. He ask Dorboro," Your majesty, what do we do now? ". No response from Dorboro." Your Majesty! What is your order?!". Dorboro grits his teeth and shout, "At- attack! Kill that son of a bitch!".

     John tilt his head and said, "Finally". Then he throw the spear with his freakish power straight right to the ship that has cannons before they could even launch it. The spear impale the ship so fast that the ship breaks in half and the spear are stuck deeply into the ice.

     The Mardoxian soldiers get down from the ship and rush toward the wall on the ice with their sword and shield to attack the castle. Matthias order the archer to shoot them before they could even touch the wall.

     John continues his abnormal attacks with smile on his face. He love this adrenaline rush inside his body and all the actions. One cannon shoot the cannonball to him and he threw the spears at it. The cannonball explode mid air before it could come near him.

     Ledor are getting more worried seeing one by one their ships are being destroyed by John's giant tree spear attacks. "Your Majesty, we are loosing our battleships and our soldiers!" said Ledor. "I know! Do you think im blind?! Let me think first! " Dorboro snapped.

     Then the attack stop. Dorboro and Ledor look at each other with confusion. Dorboro look at John and smiles at him. "Run out of trees, barbarian?".

     John smirks back at him and said, "Too bad it does. But unfortunate for you, i got another tricks up on my sleeves" said him as he raise his hand high up in the air with clenched fist. Dorboro and the others watch him with confusion and puzzled expression written on their face wondering what is John doing. Then he opens his hand and swing down.

     The frozen fjord are immediately turns back into water in just a matter of seconds. All the broken ships are sink into the water and the soldiers are drown in the water. Dorboro watch the scene with fiery eyes cannot contain his anger. He knows that he can't do anything at this point but to watch his soldiers dies.

     A huge thud on ship making the ship shaking heavily. Some of the soldiers are falling into the fjord due to the huge tremor. Dorboro turns to the source of the thud and finding John standing on the ship with his big ice crystal axe specially made by Elsa looking directly at him with ferocity eyes. Some of the soldiers try to attack the man but easily beaten by him. John slowly walks up to Dorboro.

     "Well, i guess you have no choice but to stop this horrendous attack and go back to where you came from, Dorboro" said John. He just laugh a little,"Or what? You're gonna kill me just like you kill all my men before and just now?". "You brought this by yourself, fucker. And you have the audacity to said that after you kill thousands of innocent people just for your greedy desideratum?" said John seriously.

     "All i did was the need to achieve the power that i have now. And if you kill me, that's just shows that you are nothing but a hypocrite low-life!". John just standing there speechless glaring at him. He lift his axe and said, "Last warning, stop this war and go back to hole you crawled from. Next time, i won't hesitate to separate your head from your body" then he turns around and walk away.

     "Yeah, just like you don't hesitate to kill your wife and daughter?" said Dorboro rudely. John stops at his track. He grips his axe so hard. "Ooohh did i hit a nerve? How's Sophia and Maria, huh John?" added him. John turns around and go back to Dorboro. Before he could say anything, in a flash John's axe slit through his head till the end of the body smoothly like butter with one swing. Dorboro's body split in half with blood gushing out uncontrollably.

     Ledor seeing the scary scene drop to his knee in fear. John looked at him and he squeals begging him to not hurt him. "I want you to go back to your kingdom and do whatever you fucking can to prevent something like this happen ever again. Understand?!" said John with killer stares. "Yes sir John. I will" replied Ledor with tear falling down from his eyes. "Good. I hope we will never cross path again" and he head out of the ship. Elsa creates a frozen path on the fjord for John to walk on it until the castle.

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