Chapter 18: I Knew It!

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Elsa is reading a book on a couch at the living room. Then the front door knocks repeatedly. "Im coming" said her and she puts down the book and walks towards the door. She opens it and saw Danny in front of him looking a little bit anxious. "Danny? What's wrong? You look pale" ask Elsa. "Is John in here?" ask Danny. "No. He went to the market to buy some groceries. Why? ". "I'll tell you later, okay?" then he proceeds to the mall. Elsa feeling a little worried about John after Danny said that.

At the market. John just casually strolling in the market. He came to market to buy meats and chickens and he bought them. So he decided to look around the market thinking maybe there's something that pique his interest. When he walking in the market, he saw an ice cream stall. "Oooo... an ice cream could have been nice" said him and goes to the ice cream stall.

"Hey John. Elsa told you to run some errands?" greet Mr. Hay, the stall owner. "Hehehe yeah. She told me to buy meat and chicken. But an ice cream would be nice. Especially in this kind heat" answer him. Mr. Hay laugh at John statement,

"So, what flavour do you want? Chocolate? Vanilla? Strawberry?" ask him. "Give me strawberry one please". "Coming right up!" said Mr. Hay. He give it to John, "Here you go, John. Don't forget to send my regards to Elsa, your 'housemate'" tease the Mr. Hay. "Ohh shut up Mr. Hay. Thanks btw" said John jokingly. Everyone in Hartington know that John always joking like that so they're not taking offence a little bit.

At the same time, Suzanne also wandering around the mall. She just bought a bouquet of flowers, spices and breads. When she just looking at the baskets, she saw John casually walking while eating an ice cream."wow.. lucky me" She immediately stop looking at the baskets and walks slowly towards him.

John just enjoying his ice cream and suddenly he felt a tap on his right shoulder. He turns to see who is tapping him and saw no one. When he turn back to front, Suzanne surprises him, "Hi John!". John jumps back a few steps.Suzanne just laugh looking at his funny reaction.

"Whoa. The hell is wrong with you? I almost drop my ice cream". She wipes her tears and said, "im sorry. It's just you are so adorable when you surprised". "Why are you here? Ask him." I also just buying some things and i saw you". "How do you know it's me?". Suzanne give him a look, "Only blind people would not recognise you. You can easily be spotted from miles away" answers her.

Then Danny come to them, "John! Pheww glad i found you. Hey Suzanne. Listen. I need to talk to you. Just the two of us". "Oh ok. Let's talk somewhere else. Sorry Suzanne. Gotta go. Let's chat some other time ok?" then John and Danny get out of the mall. Suzanne follows them quitely without them noticing her. They go to the back alley of buildings. Suzanne just hid behind the corner.

" John. I think i know who kill your family" said Danny calmly. John's eyes were wide opened. He filled with rage in seconds and try to suppress his anger, "You, you did? Then, who is it?" ask him while hold his anger. "I think you know exactly who it is".

"Alex! That motherfucker!" the he proceeds to punch the huge brick wall. Boom! The wall leaves a hole and huge cracks almost covering the whole wall. "I knew it! I knew that fucker is behind this. Who else hates me more than that prick? Im gonna fucking kill that guy!"

John want rush out of the valley and Danny holds him,"Whoa2 hey relax man. We don't know that for sure yet. We can't just attack him just like that. He's the freaking king, remember? He's not your underling anymore. If we attack him recklessly, you and me are gonna have a lot of trouble".

"Then how do you know it's him?" ask him. "Remember when the day your family dies? When we were doing scouts like usual, he wasn't there. That prick never miss a beat when it comes to job even when he is sick. But why that particular day he doesn't showed up? And when we finish our shift, i went to drink at the bar. Then he entered the bar with our uniform on. It's weird because if he had anything else to do, why would he wear our duty uniform? " states Danny.

"That's a good point. So how do we plan to catch that prick? " ask John." I'll tell you later. I got a date with my girlfriend this afternoon. Gotta go. Bye" then he flew away from the alley. "Wait, Danny! Fuck! You're a bitch Danny! That asshole." then he exit the alley.

"Hmmmm... This is getting interesting ~"

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