Chapter 28: A Suprise Greeting

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"Are you ready, Honey?" ask Elsa. "Yeah. Im ready" replied John. "Remember, the villagers are very cautious and shy people. They like peaceful environment. Just don't cause any ruckus there, okay?". "Sure. I'll try. Hehehe". They both start their journey. Along their way out, the Hartington wish them a farewell at the front gate.

"What's the village looks like? Is it really spooky like others said or its just a legend?" ask John. "It's a legend. The village is not terrifying as what you heard. It's quite simple and unique. They dont have any fancy building or road like Arendelle and Hartington. Let's just say that they went fully natural on their lifestyle" Said Elsa.

"Wow. Sounds...aesthetic. I can't wait to see their culture there". "Im sure you'll be just fine there. Im already used to its environment so im completely fine"

They continue their journey. When the night falls, they set up a camp to rest their eyes and recover their energy for the next journey. John is guarding Elsa on the night as usual for keeping out any harm to them. When sun rises, they're back on track.

After 4 days of journey, they finally arrive at the enchanted forest. The entrance to the Enchanted forest are covered in thick, white fog (just like in the movie).

"How do you get in?" ask John. "Just watch" replied Elsa. Elsa put out her hand and magically, the fog form a passage for them to pass. "Wow. That's definitely a little creepy" said John. The went through the passage. After they went through the passage, the fog completely cover the passage like its not even there.

Elsa and John walking to the village but they see no one. "Hello? Is anybody home?" greet Elsa. "Are you sure this is the right place?" ask John confuse. "Of course im sure. I remember the route very well. Maybe they going out hunting i guess". "Maybe they hunt a magical fish or something because i cant see a single human in this village" said John. "Hmmm.. Strange" said Elsa.

When John take a one step forward, he steps on a twig. Snaps! He sees a huge rock falling from a tree. "What the-?". Then a rope tying his ankle around and hanging him upside down on the tree. "Hey! What the hell?". "John! Are you okay?" ask Elsa tense. "Yeah im fine". "Hangin there. I'll try to get you down". "What do you think I've been doing? " said John.

Before Elsa could do anything, they heard a loud horn sound. Then theres a group of masked people coming out of the bushes pointing their swords and spears to John.

"Dont move or we will use violence" said one masked man. Then a masked woman grab Elsa's hand and said," Elsa! Get behind me! This man might be dangerous!".

"No! You all got it wrong. He's not dangerous. It's just a misunderstanding! "said Elsa. An old woman in mask came out of the bushes and said," How do you know he's not dangerous? Do you know him? ".

" Of course i know him. He's my fiancé. This the man i told you that im gonna marry! "said Elsa. Everyone is shock.

The masked woman open her mask and reveal herself as Honeymaren," This scary man is your future husband? Are you serious? ".

"Yes! Now let him down" said Elsa. "You heard the lady, release him!" said the old woman. They cut the rope and John fall hard on his head. "Ow!" squeal John.

Elsa runs to him to see if he's okay. "Are you okay?" ask Elsa worried. "Yeah. I think i got a little bumps on my head. So much for the 'peaceful' impression". "Hehehe. Sorry about that" said Elsa.

They all open their mask. "We are truly sorry for giving you a terrible first greeting . You see, we don't get a lot of visitors. If so, most of them are evil. What is your name, Sir?" ask the Old Lady.

"It's okay. I understand. I've been treated harsher than this before. Anyways, name's John, John Lewis. Im from Hartington." replied John.

"We apologise once more, Sir John. We should not attack you carelessly before. Come, let's get inside" said The old woman. They all went inside of the village.

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