Chapter 20: Ice Vs Fire

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Knock, knock!

"Who is it this time?" ask John annoyed. John want to get up but he can't because his back is hurt. Elsa said "Sit down okay? I'll go get it". She walks towards the door and open it.

Her good mood completely crushed when she sees Suzanne standing in front of her, again. "Please go away from this house or i will do something you that you wont like it" said Elsa with threatening voice. "I like to see you try" Suzanne respond. Elsa shoots her ice power to Suzanne sending her flying 10 meters back in the air.

Hearing the sound of Elsa attack, John sigh, "That must be Suzanne. Dammit! Give me a break will ya?" said John in frustration.

Suzanne is half frozen. Elsa walking to her, "I warned you" said her. Suzanne just laughed, "is this the best you could do? All the talking and bragging, and you still couldn't even makes me shivers". Then an red aura emitted from Suzanne's body. Elsa is shocked looking at Suzanne still talking like it's nothing and she saw the red aura emitted from her body. The ice melts very quickly

"Do you really think you're the only one who have powers? Hahaha think again!" then she shoots fire from her hand like a flamethrower. Elsa evade the attack. "Definitely not the first time someone said that to me" replied Elsa. Elsa attacks her with the ice spears. Suzanne make a fire ball circling around her making the spears completely melt.

Elsa shoots her ice again. Suzanne evades the ice and starts running towards Elsa while blasting the fire to Elsa continuously. Elsa runs to Suzanne and also shooting ice at her continuously. "Hey Dan, can you do something about them?" ask John. Danny sigh, "Fineee" he stands up and goes outside.

Both of the woman still blasting their powers and they slowly getting closer to each other. "John is mine!" shout Elsa. "Not if i get him first!" Suzanne fires at her back. Everyone in the kingdom are amazed watching the two fierce magical women fighting.

Then Danny appears right in the middle of the collision like its nothing. He then grabs both of their wrists, tying them with his hand and immediately lift both of them. "Would you two stop it? You two almost destroy this place" scold Danny. Both of them just look away from each other.

In the house, Danny puts Elsa and Suzanne at the opposite side of the table to prevent them from fighting again. They both trading killer stares at each other. John just sighing and Danny just shakes his head watching the two ladies acting like that.

"Can you guys just stop? You both an adults and yet you two acting like a toddler". John speaks up. John look at Suzanne and ask her, "Why did you come here, Suzanne?". Suzanne's expression lighten up a little when John talking to her. "I want to have breakfast with you like before. And then this rude white-haired girl attacked me first" said Suzanne.

"I told you to stay away from John and this house. And you didn't listen". "And who are you? Are you his wife to make that decision?" Suzanne fires back. "Well, technically, yes! Im not some shameless woman that try to kiss a man the first time she met!" said Elsa. "What did you say to me?" Suzanne wants to bicker with Elsa but stopped by John. "Enough girls! My god. You both started to give me a headache".

"Listen, Suzanne. I appreciate you want to have breakfast with us. But you don't have to come everyday you know. You're interrupting someone else's privacy". "But i want to eat with you, John" said Suzanne. "I know, i know. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just that you came in the wrong time. Look, i know you're a nice person. So please understand us" said John.

"I don't understand. Why would you choose this white-hair girl instead of me? What was i lack of for you to choose her? Am i not beautiful enough for you?" ask her. "It's not about appearances, Suzanne. You are very attractive woman. I swear to god. But my heart is still close for another woman right now. Even for Elsa. I have enough problem dealing with one magical girl, let alone two" said John while pointing to Elsa with his eyes. Elsa pinch his body. John just said 'ouch!'.

Suzanne stands up with tears flowing down her cheek. "I understand. I promise that i will never disturb you again next time. And i wish you both good luck in the future. Just remember, i will not give up until I get you, John. No matter what. ". She walks to the living room and stop in mid way. She turn around to John and said, "And John, what you saying before that im a nice person, you are completely wrong" then she exits the house.

"Phewww. Glad that it's over. I hope that she finds a man sooner" said John. "Yup. Totally agree on that" said Elsa. She move herself back next to John. Danny said "Where were we? Oh the plan! So, the plan is..."

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