Chapter 16: New Threat

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John and Elsa are ready with their outfit. Elsa change her usual blue dress into a beautiful red dress. "How do i look?" ask John. Elsa just smile and fix his tie. "You look dashing" replied Elsa. "Thanks. You look gorgeous too. I like the red colour. It's soo... not you" then he laugh a little. Elsa chuckles and hits his shoulder gently for teasing her. He take a deep breath and said, "Alright. Let's go".

They arrive at in front of huge doors guarded with two Hartington guards. The guard look at them and notify the host. "Your highness, King Alex and Queen Vanessa Lexington, people of Hartington, i welcome you, Sir John Lewis and Elsa from Arendelle!" then the big door open revealing the two of them. Everyone is clapping their hands loudly when John and Elsa enters the hall. Along the way to the royalty seats, they being clapped and cheered non stop and stops when they are infront of the King and Queen.

"John Lewis, my old colleague and competitor. I, King Alex Lexington, will lift the banish curse upon you by my father and bestow you my blessing to stay in Hartington as long as your heart's content. And i welcome you, Elsa from Arendelle to my kingdom" all of Hartington's people are clapping their hands loudly after the King's speech.

"Thank you my highness" said John and Elsa said the same thing. John turned around and look at the big table of food at the side of the hall. He immediately goes to the table. Elsa wants to follow him but she's was called by the king. "Elsa, may i and my wife speak to you?". Elsa replied, "Of course your Highness".

"Elsa, i heard that you are once became the queen of Ariendelle before, is that correct?". "Yes your Majesty. And i am now a guardian of the Enchanted forest" replied Elsa.

"Owh. That's good to hear. Hartington and Ariendelle was in good terms and i know many of Ariendelle's soldier like Lieutenant Matthias and his colleagues. I hope we still in good terms" said the king. "And thanks to you, our kingdom is not affected by the wrath of the spirit nature".
"Your welcome. And it's my duty to guard the spirits so they don't cause any harm to its surroundings". Said Elsa

While John is enjoying the delicious ice cream cake at the table, there are groups of beautiful women approaching him. John did not notice them coming, just eating the big plate of ice cream cake.

"Evening Sir John" said one of the lady. John suprised by the greeting, he quickly put ice cream cake down. "Yes? What can i do for you?" ask John. "Would care to join us for dance?". "Uhmm im sorry i have to decline. I am a man with no mood for dancing. So.. no thank you".

Then one girl come close to him and said, "Please Sir John. Just one dance with me". Another girl doing the same and said, "Me too. Please sir John?" then all of them doing the same thing and finally surround him blocking him from going anywhere.

Suddenly, a tall beautiful lady with a red eyes and dark hair in black dress approaching the groups. "Ladies. If a man refuses to dance with you, that means you are ugly and not worth his time. So please, don't be a pest and fly away will you?" said the woman.

They turn to the woman and said, "Ahh here comes the Bossy Bitch. Come on girls, let's go" and they leave him. "Pheww. Thanks. That was a close one" then he proceeds to eat his ice cream cake. "Sir John. I heard about you. You look a lot more handsome that people describe you. In fact, TOO handsome. How about a dance, viking? " said the woman seductively.

"Nope. No thanks. As you said earlier, if a man refuses to dance with you, you are ugly and annoying. So buzz off" said John flatly. The woman is shocked. This is the first time a man refuses my invitation. A quick one also. Mmmm i like this guy. "Oh my~ I like a man who play hard to catch. But don't worry. You will be mine eventually" said the woman while approaching him and starts touching him.

"We also heard you have powers. Is that correct?" ask the Queen. "Yes your highness, i was born with ice po-" before she could finish her sentence, she saw John being touched by a woman. A wave of heat goes up to her face. Her bloods starts to boiling seeing the 'sweet' interaction between John and the woman. "Im sorry your highness. I have a things to take care of. So please excuse me" she bows and immediately dashing to John.

"Hey. I told you. Im not interested. Please, leave me and my ice cream cake alone. God, what is wrong with you" said John annoyingly. "Oh come on~ I'll give you something much more sweeter than the ice cream cake. I promise you won't regret it~" said the woman while grabbing John's collar and leaning against him to give him a kiss.

"Wow. What a shameless woman you are"

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