Chapter 19: Im A Human Too

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John arrive at his house. He opens the door and greeted by a worried Elsa standing in front of him. She hold his hand and ask, "Are you okay? What happen? What did Danny said to you? Did something wrong happen?". "Whoah2. One question at a time please. How about we sit down first" said him.

They both sit down at the couch. "Danny told me that he knows who kill my family". Elsa's eyes are wide open. "He did? Who could that be?" ask her.

"He suspected King Alex who killed my wife and daughter. He said that Alex was not at work when my family was murdered. And he said that he will come here to discuss with us on how to catch King Alex" explain John. "That's good to know that we finally knew who's behind this. And catching King Alex is definitely not an easy work" said Elsa. "Yeah. Tell me about it" said John.

They both stayed silence for a couple seconds until Elsa speaks up. "John" said Elsa softly. He answered, "Yeah,Elsa?". John look at her and saw Elsa look at him directly into his eyes with her sparkling blue eyes while biting her lips. John started to feel a bit weird about the situation.

Elsa scoots herself closer to John. John scoots himself away from her. Elsa scoot herself back closer to John." Err.. Elsa. You're acting strange today. Are you sick or something?" ask him nervously. "Nope. Im perfectly fine. It's just that you look sexy today. I can't help it" said Elsa while slowly get on top of John."Whoa. You're quite naughty for a royalty you know that? ".

"I'm a normal human. I have desire too. Now come here" said Elsa lustfully. Elsa bring her face closer to John to kiss him. John turns his face right and left wanting to avoid the kiss. Elsa hold his face with both hands to stop his head turning aside. John keep his mouth shut and hide his lips into his mouth. Elsa just smile and pinch his nose to stop his breathing. "Let's see how long you can hold it, tough guy~". John desperately hold his breath and finally give up.

Elsa immediately kiss him passionately. John tried to push her off but she hugs his neck and lock him tightly makes John's struggle futile. John finally submitted to Elsa. They been kissing for quite long. Elsa breaks the kiss. She kisses his right and left cheek and continues to kiss his mouth again. John, being swayed by Elsa's sweet kiss just accept it with no objection. Then the faces of Sophia and Maria appears in his head. He opens his eyes and pushes Elsa away from him.

He stands up and said, "That was.. good kiss. Um... I think we're running out of meat. So....i gonna head out to the market". Before he could reach the door handle, the door handle becomes ice and the whole door becomes ice.

"Nope. Im not finish with you yet. I've waited 24 years of my life for this and you're not going anywhere. You're mine now". Then she create a lasso and tie him up 'cowboy' style. She turns the floor into ice and drags him into John's bedroom. "Oh shit". That was the last word from John before being dragged into the bedroom.

The next morning, Danny come to John's house. He knocks a few times and John opens the door. "Hey, John" greet Danny. "Hey, Dan. Come in". Danny enters the house and felt weird seeing John walking hunched while holding his back. They sit at the table. Elsa is in the kitchen as always prepares the breakfast.

"Dude, what's with the funny walking?" ask him. "Oh nothing. I just hurt my back last night". Then Elsa came puts the coffees down and said "here you go, John~". She pinches his cheek and goes back to the kitchen. "What's up with Elsa today? She seems more happy than usual" ask Danny. "I don't know. She looks normal to me".

Danny notices red marks on John's neck like a kiss marks. He grins and ask "Dude, is that, kiss marks on your neck? Did you guys-". "Yes. We did it last night. Are you happy now?". Danny laughing like crazy. "What's so funny about it?" ask John.

"Looks like she fucked you up real good" then continue laughing. "Seven fucking hours straight! She didn't even take a break. What a vicious girl . Who knows a fragile looking girl like that could turn into a freak in the bed. My spine could have snap last night".

Then comes Elsa put down the pancakes on the table. She sits besides John and hugs his arm rest her head on his shoulder. "Well you look like in a good mood today" said Danny. Elsa just smile to Danny not saying anything. "So, how about the plan?"ask John."Okay. The plan is..."

Knock, knock!

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