New Girl in Town! (Chapter 2)

Começar do início

Dashing past the group, Toshiro managed to get on the tram just before it left the platform, and, just like yesterday, he helped Mako onto the tram when he noticed her trailing it.

The tram journey was just as it was yesterday; cramped, slow, and somehow mind-clearing. Toshiro almost appreciated how slow the tram was, as it allowed him to prepare for what would probably be another bizarre day.

Speaking of bizarre, as the duo got off the tram, Toshiro noticed a new piece of décor draped over the front gate, namely the naked body of a dead (or near enough) boy with a single sign that made an example of him to the rest of the school.

'Ain't that the kid that got slammed all around the school yesterday? Sheesh, doing that was bad enough but making him an example like this? Just how draconian is this place...'

Apart from the... distinctive... choice of front gate ornament, the trip to class was relatively normal. Too normal. He could feel it in his bones. This normality will be repaid heavily by the time the day ends.

In class that day, Mr. Mikisugi was continuing the lecture that had been so rudely interrupted yesterday on Interwar Germany, when a knock sounded on the door, followed by the entrance of a familiar girl with a red streak in her hair.

'My, what an odd coincidence...' Toshiro mumbled.

"OK everyone, we have another new transfer student joining us in Class 2-K today, so please welcome Ryuko Matoi." Mikisugi announced to a half-asleep class as he wrote down her name on the board.

"RYUKO! RYUKO! OVER HERE! THIS DESK IS FREE!" Mako shouted as she was pointing to the desk next to her.

'Guess 2-K must just be this school's version of a brig for transfers... Ah well, at least Mako's nice enough.' Toshiro noted to himself as he observed the situation.

Ryuko did eventually sit at the desk Mako had pointed out, slouching into the seat. But Mako wasn't done yet.

"My name's Mako Mankanshoku! It's nice to meet you again and everything!"

"That 'kid' the Student Council purged... He the one out front?" Ryuko asked apathetically.

"Yep that's the one! That kind of thing happens a lot around here!" Mako replied "Oh, but don't worry, you'll get used to it!" After that she did the same food-to-sleep marathon that she did yesterday, surprising Ryuko just as it did Toshiro the day before.

"W-what the hell? She's asleep already?" Ryuko said, baffled.

"Mako's just like that. I couldn't believe it when I first saw it either."

Ryuko turned at the familiar voice, to Toshiro sat behind her.

"Toshiro Matsuda. I'm the other transfer student."

"Well then, nice to meet'cha."

With the window for small-talk gone now that Mr. Mikisugi resumed talking about Hitler's rise to power again, Toshiro began to lazily scribble down notes in his notepad. Ryuko, meanwhile, just slouched into her seat, waiting for the lesson to end.

A "Productive" lesson later...

As class ended, Ryuko wasted no time in making her exit, shortly followed by Toshiro. Now normally he wouldn't follow someone who he'd known for quite literally only 20 minutes, but if today was gonna be anything like yesterday, he knew exactly what was about to happen next.

"Ryuko." Toshiro stated coolly.

"Hmm?" The small glance Ryuko gave at Toshiro was all she needed to see the human torpedo flying directly at her.

Silver Fibers (OC Stand User x Kill la Kill)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora