Chapter 9: Lines in the Sand

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but—" Stella sighs. "Nice to be with friends, you know?"

You smile. She is the first real friend you've made since your trip began and the thought of disappointing her now seems unthinkable. "Whenever you need me, okay?"

Stella hugs you. "Thanks!"

Henry looks at you, wondering what the exchange is all about. You shrug a little, and he raises his eyebrow at you. When Archer walks by, he averts his gaze.

"Archer, are you okay?" Stellas asks.

"Yeah," Archer growls, opening the car door. He watches Stuart slide into the back seat and pull Stella in with him. You realize that this leaves you to the front seat with him. He shakes his head. "Whatever."

You all pile into the car in silence and you watch Henry take off on a run as you drive away

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You all pile into the car in silence and you watch Henry take off on a run as you drive away. He waves at you and smiles before you turn out of sight.

This day seems smoother. You know what is expected of you-which is just about anything, but as you get to know your people, you are better at anticipating their needs. When lunch time comes, you and Stella take it together again.

"How's Archer?" you ask. You do like the man, but Henry...well, he was there first for starters, and you like him and know him more, all else aside. If he was a good looking asshole, you'd've dropped him like a bad habit.

"He is a bit moody today, which is understandable." She sighs, then frowns. "And what's with you and Henry Cavill?" she asks.

Your breath catches before you can stop yourself.

"Oh, my God!" Stella gasps, covering her mouth. "I mean, he kept looking at you when you weren't looking, stopped when he noticed I noticed. Tell the truth, shame the devil, are you two—"

"Just friends." You finish quickly. "I wrote fanfics and did the panel, remember? He is just interested in my writings."

"Not the way he was looking at you."

"Really?" you say, eyes widening. This was news to you.

"He watches you a lot during your plank workout."

"Oh." You don't know what to say to that, so you shrug and then brighten. "Stuart likes you!" you say, opting to change the subject. "You two were kind of close in the back seat today."

"Yeah," Stella paused. "But you have two men interested-maybe three?"

You roll your eyes. "Stella–!"


You look up and see Archer and Stuart standing there, all smiles.

"Thought we'd surprise you!" Stuart smiles, sitting next to Stella. Archer sits next to you and you are surprised that he is so upbeat.

You all sit by the catering trailer when Henry comes by. You frown. You usually miss each other. He goes to his trailer with a small smile and quirk of his eyebrow.

If He Was Your Fan (A Henry Cavill Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now