Chapter Twenty Two

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"WATCH OUT...."You screamed, made one step forward then froze when you saw Jungkook regaining his balance, giving you a stupid thumbs up. "TAKE ME AS A HOSTAGE!" You shouted when you noticed Kyumin was about to turn and follow your gaze.

You swallowed.


"A hostage?" The man's eyes lit up at that, "Drop away your gun then...."

You did what he said. Hurry the fuck up. "Here......... it's gone!" You waved your hands in the air.

Kyumin started to laugh and started walking toward you but .............. Jungkook seemed to get the emergency handle that allows the side windows to open in case fire happened.

Everything happened in a second, Jungkook jumped toward the man from behind knocking him down. Kyumin was taken aback and didn't have a moment to think before he was on the ground, his both hands grabbed tightly by the firefighter. "You are one crazy bastard aren't you Patrick," Jungkook smirked.

"G-get of me............ GET OFF ME," Kyumin struggled but Jungkook was stronger.

Your feet suddenly felt weak, heart beating so fast as if all the trying to not lose your cool earlier was attacking you now. But it was a relief.

You smiled at Jungkook.

You walked toward them, "Give me my kinky objects!" You told Jungkook who chuckled while holding the man in place.

Jungkook used his foot to press on the man's hand while he takes the handcuffs from his pocket and handing it to you.

You bent down. "Lee Kyumin, You are under arrest for kidnapping, murder, assaulting a police officer, threatening the lives of many people, and obstruction of justice..... You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney and if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for you. If you waive these rights and talk to us, anything you say may be used against you in court. Do you understand these rights?" You glared at him and handcuffed his right hand, Jungkook moved slowly to let you handcuff the other but the man was faster to use his leg to push Jungkook on the stomach, the sudden action made you flinch for a half-second but that was one of the hell time.

Kyumin somehow took a hold of the gun that fell from his hand earlier, you watched in horror as the man pointed the gun at Jungkook who wasn't in a position where he can react right away.

"SON OF A BITCH." You shouted and jumped toward him.



A sound of a gunshot. then Jungkook's shouting then people around screaming.

"SPD DROP THE GUN." A new familiar voice shouted, "DROP THE FUCKING GUN."

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