I turn the key into the hole before pushing it open. My eyes immediately landed on Lizzie using my laptop. With my thoughts still running dry, I quickly averted my attention to my feet, not wanting to meet her eyes. I throw the keys into the bowl a little aggressively. That seems to catch her attention.

"You went to the gym?" Lizzie asked, her attention still plastered to the screen.

"Yeah, I did." I mumble under my breath, still not meeting her eyes. I head straight toward my bedroom but she stops me.

"When did you go? I don't remember you going out with a gym back before you met up with Margot." Lizzie points out.

"Oh, I came back and left." I said coldly, leaving her arms reach.

"Baby, is everything okay? You seem out of it." Lizzie asks, running her fingers against my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired. I'm gonna go take a shower." I pretend to smile, pulling myself away from her completely.

Fortunately for me, Lizzie didn't try to fight it. I let the hot water run against my skin. I didn't care if it stings a little bit. My mind is way too occupied with the linger thoughts of my underlying problem that could possibly be happening as of right now. I'm such an over-thinker. It's not healthy.

After my hot shower, I threw in a casual outfit. An idea came to mind, and I want to test if my assumption was right. This could either make or break my day. Let's hope it's the greener side of things.

As soon as I exit out of my room, Lizzie lays comfortably on the couch, surfing through the movie choices Netflix has to offer. When her eyes landed on me, I instantly felt shivers down my spine like I'm about to commit a crime. I almost didn't want to do what I wanted to do, but I know I'll suffer without an answer. Before I could speak, Lizzie cleared the silence.

"Hey babe, I was thinking for dinner later, we could order in Italian food by that new place that opened up. What do you think?" She remained focused on the television.

"Actually, I was thinking of something else." I mumble softly, rethinking my decision.

"Okay, what are you feeling about ordering tonight? Indian food? Chinese? American?" Lizzie finally looked at me with those emerald eyes of hers and I could have sworn, I almost gave up.

"We should go eat at that Thai place you took me to for dinner that one time." I said as I fiddled with my thumbs.

"They don't deliver though.."

"No, I know. We should go out instead of ordering in." I clenched my jaw waiting for her answer. I still remained my distance from her, lingering by the edge of the couch.

"It's a long drive, you sure you don't wanna just stay in and wait here?" Lizzie inches her way toward me, encasing her arms around my stomach. "We could watch a movie of your choice, cuddle, make out a little bit, and if you're feeling it, we could do other things.." Lizzie nibbles on my ear, making me squirm.

I push the feeling away, turning myself around to meet her gaze, "why do you always want to stay here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't get me wrong, I love staying here with you doing absolutely nothing. It's been a great three days of my life. But, I feel like you don't want to go out and do something simple like eat dinner at a restaurant because you don't want to be seen with me in public.." I finally released the breath I was holding on for the longest.

Lizzie directs her arms beside my face, "baby, you know that's not true."

I took comfort within her touch, faltering, "I know, but, I just can't help but feel like that.." My eyes began to water as I attempted in any way that I could to keep my feelings together. I'm failing at it.

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