Game On!

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We were watching Langa Vs Hisoka 2.0 I totally forgot his name but it doesn't matter, I'm not going to race with him or whatever.

Langa eventually won leaving me and Miya to go next.

We went to start line and waited for the traffic lights to turn to green. Game On!. I whispered to myself while also smirking.
Me and Miya both went zooming when we saw the green light.

After a couple seconds it started to rain again. Luckily Reki put me different wheels for rain. I could see Miya behind me.
"Tch what the fuck". I heard Miya cursing some how it gave butterflies in my stomach by hearing his angry voice.

After looking back at Miya I saw a building with cracked windows. Immediately notice I gotta go through the cracked widows.

After passing it I saw stairs. 'Impossible' I said to myself I saw Langa and his friends down there I wave at them and they wave me back. "Be careful Y/n". Joe said, I simply nodded and looked back so I can focus, I made a quick jump and jumped on top of the stairs handle I did it with my calculations a little bit when to jump.

I saw Miya about to catch up to me. "Ha you really think your going to win in your first try well you guessed wrong". Miya said smirking at me and passed me. I also picked up the paced, then I saw that we were both a tie. We were both were close to the finish line I went a bit faster to get a bit more distance. Sadly it didn't work and well let's say I....


"Y/n you won. Good job on your first try". Reki said. "Thanks". I saw Miya behind me with disbelief. "Hey Miya don't worry you did great. But I did better than you". Miya simply ignored me. 'Oh well'.

"You did good out there". Langa said. "Yeah I didn't know I would be Miya it's kinda shocking considering that I never raced". I said Langa simply just nodded.


It was science class and I haven't talked to Miya. Miya has currently been avoid me. I finally came up to him when we had a little free time. "Boo". I said whispering in his ear. "Ahh wtf!". Miya said. "Okay Miss Cardi B you haven't talked to me at all what's the matter. It finally clicked to me in my head.

"Oooohh is it because you worried that you have to say your feelings right in front of me since I won". I saw Miya avoiding my eye contact.
'Cmon I'm waiting say something'. I said in my mind.

"Fine well my feelings toward you is uh".

"I l-like you, y-you idiot".

I went totally shocked he likes me. What should I say like let's date no no no that would be too weird.

I pulled him into a hug." I like you too as well".I said. Luckily no one saw us if that happened then I would be a whole movie.

"Hey 'mom' I'm home". I said taking of my shoes. "Oh you bring a special guess I see now". I saw 'mom' smirking I rolled my eyes and got Miya's hand pulling into my room.

"Welcome to my room, again". I said.
"It's way more decorated now". Miya said. "Well duh I spent half of my money to put some anime posters and figures".

We both sat on the bed. I turned on the Tv and start watching f/m (favorite movie).

I suddenly layed into Miya's lap without any warning to him.
"You sleepy". I just nodded. "You want me to sing a lullaby to you"? Miya said as a joke. "Yes please". I said he wasn't expecting it. He started to sing Isabella's lullaby. "yOu IdIOT". I said about to sit until me and him hit each other.

"Oww you idiot can't you see where you head it going to be placed". Miya said. I just layed back down into his lap and we both took a quick nap.

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