Yes or No

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Since class time ended and it was time for lunch Yui grabbed my arm and we both walked out of the classroom. Surprisingly the teacher didn't saw us walk out the classroom or else we would of gotten so much in trouble . We went to the hallway and that's when she found Miya.

He was at the vending machine getting a coke while we were running at him.
"Hey Miyaaa!!" Yui said while trying to catch up to him.
"Huh what?" Miya said confused. He didn't know who this girl was, Yui finally let go of my wrist while I was just standing there looking at him.

"Oh hi Y/n". Miya said smiling. I couldn't help but blush because of his smiling. Makes my stomach feel some type of way. "Hi" I said back to him looking at the ground to avoid him looking at my face that I was really red. "What brings you here today you never come talk to me during lunch?" "Well it's because I came here to ask you something". Yui said smirking.

My heart was beating so fast and my legs started to shake a bit. "Are you girlfriends with Y/n?". Since I was behind Yui I look up to him and tried to make him nodded while I was nodding my head too. "Well Uh" Miya said looking a both of us. "I don't know am I, you figure it out". Miya said smirking .

"That's not the question I wanted you to say. its a yes or no question". I could tell Yui was trying so hard not to get mad at Miya. Not going to lie she's a pretty good actor, I'll give her credits for that.

"Look I don't want to answer your dumb little question." Miya said while crouching down to get his coke.

Yui snapped "oh yeah this is why you friends left you because you are a shady little brat. I don't understand how I even loved you". Yui ran crying. It felt like I was watching a movie in the movie theaters. To bad I didn't bring my popcorn and my drink. "She was quite dramatic wasn't she". I said looking at him smiling

"Yep totally at least she confessed her crush *cough cough* me". He looked very proud of him self. "Y'know what she said wasn't true. You aren't a shady brat you are a mammoth that's what you are". I said laughing "anyways I gotta go back to my class or else the teacher is going to get me in trouble". I turned back and was about to walk until Miya said something.

"Y/n by chance do you like me?"

Jcckkfdkofdkmwkscmcnnfdkdodk I'm sorry that I didn't post the other week I'm so lazy that I didn't want to. Since school ended for me I will post at random times. Anyways we are so close to 1k views you guys serious surprised me. Idk what should I do for y'all I'm very grateful for the views <3

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