Designing my skateboard

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We were walking to dope sketch at least that's what Reki told us. He started talking a lot about skating and stuff , I barely took attention until he said. "What is your name I never catched it"he said. "Oh it's uh (Y/n) I guess". "(Y/n) want me to make you a skateboard" he said while we entered dope sketch. "Sure" I said while me and Langa followed him. "Okay what design do you want me to do on your skateboard". "Hmm can I add like my Oc, don't worry it won't be to much work tho since I want to draw that part. And I guess you can paint it or whatever". As I said that he had stars in his eyes I guess he was exited?.

"You draw?" Reki said. "Uh huh" I said. "You could draw for me and I can paint that's if you want to work with me in this shop"." Sure I just need my aunt permission." Langa can you tell your mom if I can work with him?" I turn around and saw Langa look around the little room that he had of skateboard from other people who had order from Reki.

"Yolo Langa did you heard me" as I said looking at his back since didn't turn my direction . He finally turn around and said "ok". " Reki was even more happier. He said he was going to tell his manager for his approval too.
While I was waiting for him to come back Langa said. "Oh now your starting to warm up on us". "Not really, if we actually warmed up on y'all I would've been really crazy just saying". As I said with a little laugh.

Reki finally came and he said yes from his manager approval. He said they will be paying me 15 bucks an hour. After all that he gave me a skate board to draw on. I started drawing my Oc. After that Reki started painting it while I was watching some tiktok on Langa's phone since I forgot to bring mines.

2 Hours later
"It's done (Y/n)". Reki said. "Oh I thought you were done with everything like putting the wheels and stuff like that". " Well you didn't ask what type of wheel and what colors you wanted in your Oc". Reki said a little mad, he showed me the skateboard. "Your actually really good at painting I really like it than for painting my skateboard I guess".

( Here's your skateboard you can change it's it's optional ofc 🙃)

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( Here's your skateboard you can change it's it's optional ofc 🙃)

"Okay what kind of wheels you want?". Reki asked me. "I don't care you pick what's good". I said as he was finding a perfect wheel. "When Reki is done doing your skateboard we should head out and leave since my mom wouldn't let us be in here for the rest of the afternoon". Langa said sitting in the seat next to Reki. "Okay done, I will leave it here to dry a little more of the paint you guys should head out now if you guys need to". Reki said. "Yeah, let's go (Y/n).We will be back tomorrow okay Langa". Already have a good night". "Mhm you too" me and Langa said, we started walking out the store. The walk was very quiet. We finally arrived at our house. " How was it you guys" my 'mom' said. It was good I guess". "I made dinner for you guys". My 'mom' said. We all said "thank you for the food" and started digging in . After all that I started doing my night routine and slept.

Author note: I will be making 2 chapters since I was out yesterday please forgive me y'all😭

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