*✧ 9 ✧*

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The voice calling me is vague, definitely coming from afar. My eyes are closed; eyelids feel so heavy it hurts so much to open them. I try to move but my legs are tangled and there's an annoying stiffness in my neck.

"Y/N! Damn, I shouldn't have poured this amount of alcohol into you..." The voice is soft, yet firm and keeps echoing in my head, I feel confused and still a bit dizzy.

"Jungkook," I say, puzzlement painted on my face as I open my eyes and see his figure leaning over me. He's pretty puzzled, too; however, smirk seems to never leave his lips, regardless of the situation. He scans my facial features, a small frown showing up on his forehead when I try to get up, supporting myself on my elbows. I shamelessly eye him from head to toe only to notice his hair is still a bit damp. And that he's wearing nothing but a t-shirt and hix boxers. I sigh.

What has just happened? Have we kissed? Have we...

"Y/N." His fresh, minty breath tickles my nose as he repeats my name for the thousandth time and a thought crosses my mind if he enjoys the way it spreads on his tongue. Because I obviously enjoy hearing him say my name.

I shake my head, blinking a few times. It's still the middle of the night as darkness slips through the windows, mingling with dimmed light coming from the table lamp. I turn my head to the right, then to the left, making an attempt to recall the last minutes. My hands travel down my stomach until they reach my thighs and slowly, almost imperceptibly, I move my fingers against the skin there, checking if I was touched.

Damn, this is awkward.

"What happened?"

"YOU tell me, you cute jugger," his darkened gaze fixed on my eyes, boring into me as if I was a freaking riddle he was about to solve. He falls silent for a while, but notices my lost expression. "Well, I took a shower and when I left the bathroom you were already here, on the sofa. You must have blacked out, I guess." He shrugs, a hand ruffling through his wavy raven locks.

Damn, this is even more awkward now.

Having cleared my throat, I decide to stand up, my sight still foggy, so I grab Jungkook's forearm half-cocked while picking myself up.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook, I--"

"Nothing to be sorry about," He interrupts as he places his hand onto mine and gives it a small rub. I smile weakly at this, calm written all over my face but the truth is I'm burning inside. "Anyway, I'm getting hungry, so why don't we just call it a night?" His tongue quickly licks the corner of his lips as he tilts his head to the side, waiting for me to agree with that.

"Yeah," A mumble escapes my mouth and I think my cheeks turn scarlet red once I feel them getting hotter, giving me almost a pinchy sensation. "Let me show you to your room."


The buzzing of my phone is what wakes me up from my sweet sleep. I roll my eyes, seeing Jimin's face on the screen. To be honest, I'm amused to have received death threats after last night. Well, I guess it means he said yes to the flush toilet.

My pure amusement does not seem to last long as I realize how stupid I am. And I don't mean drinking and dying in my own bed now - I have experienced that way too many times and I know I'll never learn.

But it bothers me so much what happened last night. Too much alcohol, Jungkook blurting out I'm single, Jimin giving me a lesson on relationships and, obviously, the kiss. In any case... What was I thinking?

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