29: Wedding plans

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In Riverdale. For next two months. I called my boss this morning and after talk with my therapist he called me back. They will send me the files, my laptop and other stuff I'll need. They actually think this is the best plan, since I've been feeling so much better these last few weeks. After the summer, things could be so good that I could get back, like really back. That one made me smile. I love my job, even it broke me.

I called Vee and asked her the other apartment for my office, she promised the one where Kevin and Fangs are now. Jug put his apartment for AirBnB when he came here, so that one brings him money too. And my apartment, I have few thoughts about that, but I need to discuss those with Jug. I'm not sure if it's too soon.. we need to continue our talks about the future, even it scares me. I really haven't though about things like these since high school, and our future plans then, they were big..

Today is not the day for talks. It's day for dinners. Jug is going with Reggie and Fangs, the rest of us with Vee. Vee chose of course the finest restaurant in Riverdale. We enjoyed a huge menu. Since it's Monday and I really wanna support Jug, I chose only moctails. It doesn't bother me since I'm only feeling pure happiness for being here with all of them. I don't need wine anymore, not the same way earlier. For once, we spent almost all night talking about the big wedding. I'm so happy for future Mr. & Mrs. Mantle, their wedding sounds so perfect and they seemed so perfect for each others.

"It's so weird to be here, for a wedding. One of us is getting married, well two of us. But really, we are adults now," Kevin says. "Always thought it's gonna be hobo wedding first," Cheryl replies. I don't know what to think of that. We just started dating. "We just started dating. So you have to make new plans. I could think some wedding to go next," I say and smirk to Kevin. He knows I'm right. I think we are gonna dance their wedding before Valentines day.

"Hold on, Bee. I don't think you can count on that. I mean, you are not a new couple. You are just where you were seven years ago. Like on old couple, heading to marriage and kids and all," Vee notes and it makes me feel nervous. Are we really there? If all that shit wouldn't have happened, I think we would be married. Yes. Oh god. Do we need to have all those talks like right now? He blurted the word earlier, but I thought we had more time to get back at that topic..

. . . . .

How awesome is the feeling that you have been in a dinner party and you were home late, but in the morning you have so much energy? I have wrote couple hours, I had so much motivation and ideas. Betty slept over breakfast, but I think she said that she didn't drink either. I'm so lucky to have her and her support. She didn't have to be sober, but she wanted for me. She is the best support I could hope for. I just need her to be here for me when I feel stressed, nervous or anxious. That's the time I really need her. And she will be there I know.

Today is the day for our talk. It's need to be. I can't wait. We just ate lunch and after that Betty left out for a run. I'm just thinking about her coming back sweaty and wearing those tight shorts and short top.. yeah, I have a idea what to do next. After that. Talk. Door opens.

"Hey love. I'll take a shower, it was so hot for running," she says and walks to the bathroom. "Don't you dare go there alone and don't you dare take off your clothes," I shout to her back and I hear a laughter in the bathroom. "Well come quickly then," she chuckles and I'm almost running to her. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this. From the first fucking day when you showed up on my door looking like that," I come closer to her and taking a long look at her. Oh my god.

She is blushing little and gives me this smile which is something between shy and flirty. "You are too hot," I mumble and pull her closer by grabing her waist on my hands. Now is not the time for going slow. I rush my lips to hers and our tongues clashed. My hands were touching her sweaty body, feeling those shorts, her fit ass underneath them, her thights just before her most sensitive area. I move my hand on her top and sport bra.

After few passinonate minutes of kissing and touching I was more than ready to take off her clothes. She grabs my shirt and pulls it over my head, I throw my jeans and boxers on the floor. We turn the shower on. I push her against the wall and lift her up. She is so beautiful when water runs on her hair and face. When it goes down on her perfect breasts and pink nipples..

I thrust into her, I connect my lips to hers, I can not resist to bite softly. Betty breaks the kiss for moan. Her hands are squeezing my back so tightly, I move my other hand to her breast and she moans more loudly. I go harder, I go faster, she is so tight around me, she feels so good. "J-Jug, I can't anymore..." and I feel her nails on my back, after that she comes all over my length and I follow just after her.

Water runs all over us. I kiss her forehead, her jawline and collarbone and then softly her lips. "I love you," I say but in a second after that "Shit!". She looks at me and realizes. "Fuck!" she shouts too. "This is too hard with you!" she continues. "I'm sorry, it is my fault. Let's just wash and then we have a lot to discuss I think." She kisses me, I think she is not mad at me, but how could we forget. I messed up.

. . . . .

We sit on the couch, Jug on the other end, me on the other, facing each others. Here we go. "That was the best shower I have ever taken after run," I smirk. "It was the best shower ever," he grins. "Jug. I.. We need to talk. About. Everything. Now we know how things are for next couple months. That's nice yes, but after that. We go to DC? I have a studio there, but we can't live in that, when you do you writing from home. If I sell it, are we gonna buy some place together, how many rooms? Vee said something about us being right there where we were seven years ago. Are you there, like do you have same thoughts about our future?" I blurt out everything and almost without breathing once. I'm so nervous. Jug laughs. "Baby. Relax. We'll figure it out. You wanna breathe a little? I can start and tell you what I want," he smiles and strokes my foot. I nod. He is so calm.

"First. We might need a bigger place since I do my job from home. I need an office. So, two bedrooms? Or three? For our guests? Or if we plan even further.. When I saw you with Pollys twins years ago for the first time, I knew I want your kids someday too. I think I still want that. But I haven't thought about kids for seven years so this is only a quick thought. I also know one thing. One day I'm gonna ask you to marry me," Jug speaks up with so calm and gentle voice that I forget to go anxious about those things. I just smile and apparently forget to say something too. "Betty?"

"I'm sorry, I was in my thoughts. Or in yours. How are you so sure about things, so soon after everything? You even make me feel sure and calm. It's weird because I haven't thought things like these since we had those future dreams in high school.." I say. "With you I'm home, I feel calm and there is no other place I could imagine myself to be. With you I'm sure about the fact that everything is gonna be alright. With you I don't worry," he answers. "If you really are gonna propose me someday, it's gonna be impossible to say anything other than yes," I smile softly. "I'm gonna, I promise you that. But you know me, I need to plan the whole thing. And I'm gonna wait the right time. When you are feeling better and when I had no struggle with you know what," he keeps stroking my feet. "I'm so confused about the fact that I'm okay and even excited about this plan of yours," I shake my head and laugh.

"What about my plan for the apartment?" he then asks and looks suddenly little shy. The kids. That's the one for me. The hard one. "I can agree the three bedroom apartment. We live on the same coast than Kevin and Fangs and Vee and Reggie, I hope they'll come visit us as often is it possible. And you need an office. We can start looking and I can sell the one I have. That was my idea too. It really never wasn't my home anyways," I start with the easier ones.

"And what were you saying about me with Juniper and Dagwood. Kids with me. Obviously I have thought about the kids since I have taken care of my contraception. But I struggle little with that topic, it's a big one for me.." I mumble and I feel tears filling my eyes. There is two sides and I'm aching for that. What I want and what I fear, my genes. Jug comes to me and wraps his arms around me. "Shhh. It's okay. There no rush for this conversation. I get it. And if you want, we go to pharmacy tomorrow and get the morning after pill for you." "I love you Jug. And I'm gonna love you forever. We'll talk this, I promise. But it's gonna be a big talk and now I'm tired and I just want lay here in your arms."

"I love you too Betts."

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