09: Back to Pops

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I woke up and again no nightmares. Who would have thought, this place and these people, they were the key. My old mess from high school years really caused my current messy life. Somehow. We need to discuss this with my therapist today. I want to hear her thoughts.

I drink some water and head out for a run. After few steps out in the woods, I remember yesterday. I'm embarrashed. I was bold and teaser and flirty and horny and what else. How did I dare? Is it Jug or what the hell is happening to me? I haven't been horny since six months, or more, it has been just sex for an escape. Not because I was horny. But since I came here.. these days here has been like a foreplay. It feels good to feel this way again.

But fuck it's Jug. It is not just any guy. It's him. I need to be careful. I don't know is he ready for me and my mess. He doesn't even know I have a mess. What the hell I'm supposed to do? I don't think I'm ready to open up about that work incident. I need to get to know the new Jug first. I have a feeling that he hasn't changed much but we can't rush into anything. I need to be in the friendzone with him. It's gonna be hard though. There is those old vibes between us. And he is bold and flirty and hot.

But we need to try.

After run I took a shower, ate some breakfast and then I called my therapist. We had a good discussion about my nights and this surprise break from work. She thinks this is a good thing and I should just enjoy and not think about work at all. She is maybe right. We scheduled next call for next week, so I'm on my own for a week. That's new.

Jug has texted few times about my plans for today, Vee too. Vee has a long day today, so maybe something tomorrow. I wrote her short answer for that and then to the Jug's messages:

J: Good morning. Slept well? 😉 What are we gonna do today? (11:14)

J: So you doing silent treatment for me. Good to know. (14:32)

This was a busy morning and afternoon. And what is that smirk emoji. Snile lingers on my lips when ny thoughts wanders on him smirking.

B: Hey sorry, I was busy. What should we do?

J: Finally. I just arrived at Pops, I got bored waiting for you.

B: You didn't have anything to do? Oh poor boy. I'm coming there, thirty minutes.

J: I'll be here. I'll order our usuals. I can't promise to not eat them both if you aren't here on time.

B: I'm coming! You don't eat my food!

. . . . .


My day has been boring as hell. I couldn't reach Betty, she was gone. Wonder what was she doing all morning and afternoon. She didn't answer my texts. I wasn't worried but I missed her. With her I had fun.

Thinking about last night.. I bet I heard her and I'm so sure that wasn't a nightmare. And after that, I saw her texting me but she never sent anything. We are living in new world. She was feeling exactly the same way than me, there is no doubt. But again, I know there is something odd going on and I don't wanna rush things. So keeping my pants on and trying to be there for her and be her friend. I'm just gonna follow her lead.

I spent some time outside in the morning, took some pictures and just relived my life. In the end, I decided that it was good in here. There were hard times yes, but they led me to Betty. And I was so happy with her. And now I have a chance to build things up again. Shit this makes me nervous even though I'm so happy and feeling anything else but awesomeness.

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