35: June

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It was weird. Start to work while living in Riverdale with Jughead. It was like going back to two different normal. Me living with a normal everyday having a boyfriend and me working my dream job. Normal from seven years and normal from month earlier, now combined. It has been surprisingly easy though, morning coffees, little work, lunch together and then little bit more working.

I was happy being back to work, I didn't realize I missed it this much. Even the cold cases. I enjoyed our morning discussions with all of our team, it was actually really nice to hear their voices. Maybe I could become friends with some of them when we go back. It would be nice to have some friends, for me and for Jug. Week went past so quickly and so soon it was time to leave Riverdale for the first time in month, but this time we do this together.

We left right after work on Friday and we took off driving my mom's car. With that we could do much easier a city tour and look good neighbourhoods. We drove rest of the day and we arrived to Washington in late evening. I was little nervous, Jug being in my city, soon in my apartment which was my place for last couple years. He noticed again my heavy breathes and squeezed my hand. "Betts, don't do that. There is no need," he comforted. "Just. Don't except anything," I said when I opened the door.

. . . . .

To telling the truth, I was little nervous too. It was Betty's life. This is the first time I'll see how she has lived her life without me. What kind of apartment she has chosen for herself. It also bothers me a little little little bit that the other guy has been here for too many times. I know their situation but I can't help, I'm a bit jealous. He had Betty for last couple years.

When she opens the door, huge pile of mail drops to our ankles. I take a first look and chuckle. "Oh my god babe, you really are the messier one," I try not to laugh but shit she has no order there. We have so much cleaning to do on this weekend.. "Shut up, I didn't know anyone is coming here. This isn't always like this," she smacks me on my arm. "Ouch, okay okay, if you say so," I try to believe her.

The apartment isn't big, almost the same size than our place in Riverdale. There is a kitchen corner with a table for two, bathroom, this alcove for the bed which leaves there some space for livingroom. The walls are empty, there aren't any plants or anything decoration stuff. Only furniture. And her piles of clothes, old mails and dishes. "There could be cold beers in the fridge, try. And could you place the ones we brought there. And the food too," she asks and I go.

She then walks to her bed and takes the sheets and changes some new ones. Fuck that feels little weird but I let it go. I'm the one in here. No one else ever again. I found two beers and open them for us. I take a sip and sit on the couch. Shit this is a nice one, I definitely want this with us to our future home.

"Betts, stop that and come here, I have already been away from you entire work day and then we drove here rest of the day. I want you in my arms, please please please," I groan. "Someone's needy," she grins and comes to me, grabs her beer and sits on the couch between my legs in my arms. "That's good. Now. Stay," I command and place the kiss on her neck. She giggles and I feel her relaxing. My girl, in soon-to-be my city.

. . . . .

Weekend was fun and it was something new to us. Us and city vacation, never done that before. Saturday morning was for cleaning the apartment, it took a while but I think the place looked very nice eventually. We left the spare key to the agent who will take the photos and put my apartment for sale.

We ate out, we drove throught the neighbourhoods looking for perfect ones to get a house. We found few good ones, so now we can really start looking. We were excited about the fact that we can leave the central city back and getting the new place from some green suburb. We are from from little town so we need those vibes. I saw the city in new eyes. I haven't had time to take tours or seeing it for real, so it was like a new city for me too. So in some level, we both are moving in a new city. I'm going to try to live here now like a normal person. This will be our life, this city, these streets, these parks. I don't know was it the excitment or what but we ended up having very hot naked time on Saturday evening and it took hours. Our future. Together. It is happening.

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