19: Sleepover

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It's been a week. When I last talked to my therapist. Lots of things have happened since then and it's really good to have a talk again. It's nicer to talk to her when I'm feeling this good. It was hard in DC, because I was feeling so off, stressed and scared. Now I'm happier, calmer and feeling much safer.

I took a run while we had our session. I think my journey is finally taking turns and coming to the point where I can start to live again. Of course my therapist pointed out that I'm still not an open book for everyone. But one by one. I think I'm getting there.

Speaking of that, mom called. And I answered after few days of silence. Jug has told them about me being fine, but of course it wasn't enough for mom. I was feeling so good after my morning session and run, so I decided I can chat a little with her. I told her not to worry, that I'm fine and Jug knows about things. More than her. But I also told her I'm willing to talk and see what kind of relationship we have and what we could have.

She was amazed and thrilled. I know she loves me and she has worried a lot for these past seven years. Our discussion ended with me promising a dinner and sleepover visit at their place on Friday. And because Fp wants, I have to talk Jug into that too. It makes me nervous. Us both there. But every scary thing has turned to be so good in here, so I guess, let's do this one too.

B: I might have promised to mom and your dad we'll go there on Friday and stay the night. Can we do that?

J: Well that sounds a bit scary. Can we handle them for a day?

B: We lived with them once, we'll survive. I think..

J: I'm glad it's on Friday and we can let alcohol help things out..

B: Yeah, with that we'll survive. I'm wondering could you sneek to my room there..

J: I'm starting to make a plan like right now how to do it. Not do IT. You know.😏

B: You are funny guy, Jones.

J: I'm going to bar today with Fangs and Reggie. How will I survive not drinking without my best support?

B: You'll text me. I'll have Kevin and Vee here all night in sleepover. I'm little bit scared..

J: This day will suck without you, promise me we'll see tomorrow.

B: We'll see tomorrow. It's a promise.

Knocks on my door woke me from texting. I opened the door with a huge smile on my face, how happy I am to see those faces again. I gave them hugs and they rushed inside to unpack their groceries. Kevin just tried to throw stuff in the fridge fast while Vee took them all out again and put those back correctly and with the educated comments how to arrange them. I could only laugh.

Watching them my mind was full of some doubts how the evening was gonna go, what were we gonna talk and do (we had Vee here so anything could happen), but calming myself I was sure I was trying to relax and enjoy. Let's give this a try.

. . . . .


Bar night with boys. I was having a hard time deciding was this a good or a bad plan. I was gonna go though. Betty was having sleepover with Kevin and Ronnie and I needed something too. I couldn't just write all day.

It could be fun.

If Fangs and Reggie just wouldn't drink too much. It was awful to be only one who's sober..

It was an amazing day for my writing. I wrote almost all day until I walked to Wyrm and met the guys there. I got the feeling it's not all about drinking tonight, so I was happy. "You sure you aren't drinking anything Jones," they had to ask though. "I'm good. I really have had too many drinks for past years, so this is a good time to man up," I explained and wished it would be easier. To not drink and to tell that I'm not.

"I'm actually really happy for this invitation Reggie. It ended up being this very big turning point to me," I continued. "That was the point. We talked with Ronnie, and actually with Kevin and Fangs here too. You and Betty, we needed to do something to shake you lonely asses. You both needed some change," Reggie revealed for my shock.

So everybody has talked about me earlier. And Betty too. Well that's nice. Always nice to be the one who everybody talks behind their backs.. It was still easy choice how to react for this revelation. I'm not into being mad, this turned out well for me. And Betty too I think. So I gave big thanks and we kept the night going.

"Well Jones, how about some girl tonight?" Reggie smirked and I needed to cough my water. Fuck. I didn't see this one coming. "Yeah Jones, since you are single. I bet there is some good looking ladies in Riverdale too," Fangs was on it too. Shit. I didn't remember it was like this with guys at the bar. I'm used to sit with my whiskey alone and making my decisions alone about the girls. I chuckled and shaked my head. "No, no and no".

But of course they didn't leave it. "Or you just don't wanna mess things because Betty is near by?" Reggie was just like her bride. Bold. "I'm not. And I'm also not gonna discuss about my relationships with you," I said them but with a laugh. "So you are having one, a relationship?" Fangs tried. "Shut up". I smiled to them but leaving to the counter to get some more soda. And to text Betty.

J: These two here are trying to get me a girl, they are impossible. Don't be jealous though, I can resist.

B: Ha, I know you can. I know you are not gonna do nothing, I think I got you hooked on the other night with my moans.

J: You totally did, Cooper. It would be nice to hear more though.

B: You will. But I need something from you too then..

J: Okay we need to stop this now, I'm in the public place.

B: So I won this one, Jones. Have fun, but not too much!

. . . . .


Iwas in a big trouble, I sat on my feet and pushed my heel to my clit and moving a bit because of his texts. It was so hot, my folds were burning. I sensed the heat, on my cheeks too and it was uncomfortable. How was it possible that a very short and simple conversation with him made me like this? Fucking hormones and feelings and stupid man with the words.

"Betty what the hell girl" I heard Vee laughing. Oh my god, my cheeks were hot and red, I could feel that too well. "You are texting dirty to someone!!" Kevin said furrowing me with the smirk and then he laughed too. "I'm so relieved that my girl is having fun," Vee announced and continued quickly "but I wanna know more, spill the tea".

Iwas so embarreshed and in panic. What was I gonna tell to them? I knew Vee was not gonna give this up. I needed to tell something and fast, they were waiting. "I'm sorry, that was my fellow trainee from FBI, I guess he misses me," I started and tried to smirked. I tried so hard to sound like relaxed. I could do this.

So I decided I'd distract them and tell them all about Dan. Of course they would want hear every little detail, so we ended up having way too long and specific discussion about my sex life. It was little weird but I guess, it was normal conversation since we're having a sleepover. I juat haven't have one in a long time.

And I was also happy about the fact we didn't have to talk about my real life, nightmares and my work.

We actually had very fun night, doing stuff we used to back then, eating all the food we got and talking about their love lifes, college years and yeah, my sex life.

I'm a one lucky girl having these ones in my life again, it really was the best thing I accidentally answered to Vee's call couple weeks ago.

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