15: Coming back

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It wasn't an easy night. I left from Jug's place soaking wet as fuck and it was really hard to get out of the all those feelings. When was the last time I've been this hot and bothered.

Finally when I calmed down I replayed the discussion we had. He really wants me. After seven years, after that stupid kiss with my best friend, after hearing all that trouble I have now. He wrote a beautiful and funny list, and said on it that he loves me.

He loves me.

I didn't want to highlight that up when we talked about the list. I want to wait when we'll have the perfect moment to share those words with each other again. I'm sure I've never stopped loving him, of course I love him too. But I want to wait the right moment to have that discussion. I need to see I'm stabile and my healing is progressing.

But these rules and us dating with the dirty talking, this is exciting. Haven't really felt like this since teen years. Or had butterflies in my belly. Or this heat and soaking pool between my thighs.

This feeling, this is so fucking amazing. I feel like I'm finally living again.

I suddenly came back to Earth when I heard loud knocking at my door following demaning shouts.

"Elizabeth Cooper you better open the door!! Like in this second!" Vee yelled through the door and it wasn't hsrd to picture her face. It was clear she wasn't asking. "Well good morning to you too!" I said smiling wicked as I opened the door. Risky but everyone needs some fun time to time.

"What the hell! You disappered for couple days and you think I'm okay with your 'everything is fine' answer," she collapsed to the bed with two cups of coffee in her hands and her face looked sad. I wiped the smile of my face, she was worried. Not only feisty. "I'm sorry Vee. But I'm okay, I got my stuff together," I apologized and sat beside her as I placed my hand on her shoulder. "I need more. Here is coffee. We have an hour, Reggie picks me up then".

I told Vee that I was overwhelmed by the lunch with my mom. I told her that we discovered that FP lives on Elm Street too. I mentioned that mom brought up some things from my past years I didn't want to hear and I got mad and then I drunk my feelings away. She looked little suspicious but she led it be.

"So I was hangover yesterday, slept almost all day and tried to forgive my mom. I will do that when she'll ask for it," I explained. I really hope mom's gonna do that.

Veronica's head dropped to my shoulder and she sighed. "I was so worried that you ran away and I lost you again," Vee looked sad again. I placed my hand on her thigh and looked at her with the eyes filled with the promise. "I'm not gonna disappear from you or my mom or even Jug. I realized you make my life better," I told her the truth even it was a big one to admit after these years of being alone. Saying that out loud, I felt I took one giant step again towards being me, the real me.

Her face lighted up. The smile was hanging from her ear to ear. "Oh thank god! And Jughead, did you talk with him?" she asked. "We talked too and he knows I'm okay now," I didn't want to tell more about that at this point, I was just recovering for myself after mine and his discussions and plans. And we agreed that it's only us for awhile. Vee's mouth turned to a little pout, like she was thinking. "He was absent too yesterday you know," of course she knew everything from everyones whereabouts. "Maybe he was doing some writing?"I guessed smiling to that. Yes he was.

Vee hummed and accepted my guess. "Now I have to go. Kevin and Fangs are coming today. Train is here like noon. If you want, you can go to the station? We can't make it there with Reggie. But. We are gonna all meet up later at our place. We'll get some Pops and beers. Four o'clock! You'll tell Jughead! I'm sure he'll answer your calls," Vee gave instructions while walking to the door. Once again, she didn't ask, she told what to do.

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