11: Family dinner

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I woke up in Jug's arms, our bodies wrapped around each others. I notice he is wearing only t-shirt and boxers. Why didn't I notice this at night? His breathing calmly, lips moving a bit, like he's pouting. He is so cute when sleeping.

I turn my back to him but keep laying in his arms. I close my eyes smiling. This feels like home. So safe. Only two times I have slept after nightmare. And those were with him.

My mind starts spinning and can't help thinking what should we do. I'm not ready to tell him I'm so broken. Or why. And I'm not sure if it's clever to be with anybody when I'm dealing this mess. I need friends but it's hard with Jug. We have this tension. And I know it's not gonna go anywhere. Maybe we just keep the tension and our flirty talk but staying at friendzone?

It'll be hard I know, since I just wanna be with him in every fucking way. Fuck my mind and body.

I am gonna tell him some day, I know that. But not yet. Maybe next week?

I need to survive lunch with my mother first. Shit. It was definitely the reason for having nightmares again.

My mom. I love her and I've missed her. I just couldn't keep talking normal with her after my mistake back then seven years ago. It was easier to just try to forget everything and everyone who knew me and the incident. But. I want to see mom. I'm so scared too, she knows some things about my life and it is sure she's gonna ask me questions to know more. I still keep up the hope that today is gonna be just lunch and about easy topics and about hers and Fp's life.

Jug's strating to move around a little, I think he's waking up. Now that I think of it, I can feel his boxers behind my butt. It is morning for sure and it's making my core feeling too. Just now I love the feeling, it's somehow something so familiar but something so exciting.

I don't want to talk about my feelings, I know Jug would love to start with them. So I have immidiately a perfect plan to distract him and his thoughts. "Well someone is up," I turn my face to him and grin. "It is morning you know," he mumbles with a cute smile and a morning voice. "I know. I can feel it's morning," and I'm very happy about this feeling, it feels good. "You are evil you know that. But I'm gonna tease you right back. So. You are staying right there and keep feeling the morning vibes."

He wraps me so tightly I feel his morning glory very precisely and it is becoming harder. I can't help it, I have to move, I wanna move my ass against it, I wanna take his boxers off and.. "Do you have a problem Cooper?" he says and even though I don't see his face I know he's smirking there behind me. "Fuck Jug, you win, I need to get up," I groan frustrated. "Are we having some kind of race here?" he laughs and keeps me still in his arms. "We are. I don't know what kind of race but there is a one," I really don't know but this feels like a race. "Well I'm in, I like this competition even though I don't know what it is. This is fun," of course he is in, he is just this kind of person who loves to tease. But still he makes me laugh. "I don't know about fun. Torture?"

He laughs too and winks when I finally turn to look at him. I stand up biting my lip and start finding clothes. After grabbing few pieces on my hands I'm heading to the bathroom. "You should take you time there, I'm gonna get up soon and I know you can't keep your eyes away from me," he yells after me. "Just go already!" I yell. "Okay okay. Come my place after you are ready? Coffee?" I'm so glad he asked. I really want to spend time with him. Maybe too much. "Yeah, I need some coffee."

. . . . .


What a morning! I'm not sure but we are maybe having somekind of teasing competition. I don't know how is this going to go and what are we gonna do but I gladöy admit, it's fun. We didn't have this kind of fun and this kind of tension when we were teens, but it is kind of a nice change. Tension is huge and it is hard to keep my hands and lips to myself. I want just touch her lips and her waist and neck and well, everywhere. But friendzone with some dirty talking, I think it's where we stand and it's better this way. At least for now.

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