02: Just a normal Sunday

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Once I slept and survived from first shock I've been packing all weekend. Okay, I've been drinking wine, panicing and packing. What I need to pack for a month?

My heart rate has been close to hundred all weekend, I'm so scared. I'm fucking tired too. I haven't slept well in months. I got these nightmares and after those, I wake up and can't sleep. This has been going on for six months now, since the day of the incident. And there wasn't any difference at this weekend.

Beside my shoes there is now a big suitcase and backpack. What's inside them, I have no clue, it's a mess. But it is what it is. And I'm ready now. And I have to go. Clock is ticking and it is time to catch the train.

During the travel, I fell asleep luckily and I'm waking up when there is a call for those who are leaving the train in Riverdale. That's me. After seven fucking years. I see familiar surroundings behind the window, I grab my stuff and with a heavily pounding heart, I leave the train.

Sun is making me squek, I step out of the train and walk to sit on the bench out of the station. Lots of memories in my head, oh my god it's overwhelming. I used to take train to Stonewall. And picking him from here when he came home for a weekend. It hurts, it achea my cheast, like someone is pressing me, I'm sweating and breathing heavily.

I text to Vee so I get my mind somewhere else.

B: Hi Vee, I'm sitting at the train station, out of the building. What time you said you be here?

V: Wait ten minutes.

I set alarm for ten minutes (I know Vee need five more if she is the same girl than in high school). I'm waiting, closing my eyes. I can't keep looking those familiar places I was living my happy life back then. This is so much. My mind goes to wander seven years back, I'm kind of sleeping but kind of awake.

As my alarm buzzes I open my eyes and see this man, I immediately recognise, I know that back. He's looking the other way, I can't see his face, but almoat black locks, the way he stands. I know him. My heart is beating like a drum, the ache in my cheast, it makes hard to breathe. I put my head between my knees and try to inhale and outhale, inhale and outhale. I can't stand up, I can't open my eyes again.

Why is he here? He is not friends with Vee, or is he?

Then I feel someones hand on my shoulder and hear that beautiful voice I missed so badly. "Bee! My girl! Oh my god! Are you okay? I'm so happy you are here!" her voice sounds so happy it makes me happy I'm here.

She hugs me like it's our last day on the Earth and I'm in. I hold her tight, my best friend, my girl and gasp, "Oh thank god you are here, I missed you."

She pulls away from hug and is looking at me with worry in her eyes "Why were you like that? You okay?". I swallow. Not the time to start telling things. Not yet. "It's nothing, I'm just just tired. And it's weird. And all the memories. I'm just.. coping." I halfly smile, trying to convince her I'm okay. She looks at me and I'm quite sure she doens't buy that but she isn't here to bully me so I think I have time. "If you say so.. so let's go and we'll get you settled in your place." I smile and feeling better already with her by my side.

"I still can't believe you got me a place," I say as we walk to her car and laugh. "Of course! I got places for many people.." she says it like it's nothing, but I'm looking at her and I'm suddenly terrified. Who are those people? Jughead? I can't ask. We need to talk about things before I can ask anything about Jughead.

We drive to this building and we are finally at my place. My place for the next month. It's actually looking more home than my apartment in Washington. This is nice. Vee has decorated the place like real, I mean there is pillows, blankets, paintings, candles.. it's homey.

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