14: The Rules

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How many cold showers I've had since last Sunday? Fuck if I know. But many. Would have never guessed few weeks ago. The sexual tension between Betts and I is hell of a thick, like the weather before thunder, it's everywhere. And the tension, I doesn't give a break.

As I stood under the shower and welcomed the cold water, I tried to process the last 24 hours. I was pleased Betty told me and trusted me. But I'm aching for her pain. Her life has been always full of shit and now this. I was happy to hear though that it's been better now in Riverdale. Maybe we can together make things better. I just know I can't leave her anymore, she is now stuck with me.

I also know we have to discuss us, at least a little. We keep teasing with each others and yeah I really enjoy that but I don't wanna end up hurting her or her hurting me. But how can I tell her? We can't just keep playing this game without talking, without rules..

After shower I texted to dad and told him Betty was fine.

Then I got an crazy idea and somehow assured myself to finished it. I walked to hall with my list I made earlier. That was maybe little too bold and straightforward but I didn't know how to say these things. And I needed a start to that discussion. I left the list on her door and texted her to get it. Then I went back inside my place and was scared as hell. I needed whiskey.

Time goes by so slowly when you are waiting. You did know that, I'm quite sure?

Whiskey helped a little.

Then I heard a knock. My heart raced out of the apartment. Or it would have if it could.

As soon as I opened the door, she grabbed my face to her hands, kissed me so passionately, so strongly I couldn't help but lifting her up, getting inside and pushing her against the wall. I was like I didn't have colours and now I had every one of them. It was everything I remembered but still completely new and fascinating. The second her lips were on mine, I knew there was no going back, I would never leave those lips again.

I love her lips. I haven't kissed anything like that after we brokw up. They are so soft, so wet, so perfect, they taste like heaven. They know my lips and know how to move, they are made for doing this dance together. Nothing has ever been so perfect match to mines.

Easy guess, I was hard as fuck, it didn't take much time to get there. I worked my brain even harder to focus though. I tried to remember the rules we haven't done. But I was lost in her lips.. I missed her lips. And like I said, I was not gonna leave them. Kiss softened from the earlier hurried and rougher, and we just can't stop..

. . . . .


I wasn't sure was it two minutes or thirty. Then I pulled away, to breathe and to smile to him. My person with the handsome face, flirty smirk on it and those fucking dark locks which were in my hands just a minute ago. "Some writer you are Jones." I grinned keeping my hands on his neck. They got back to their home, it felt like that. "You know, it is kind of my job," he laughed and I gave a face to his joke. "But seriously. It was a lovely list," I said wrapping my hands around him and resting my head on his hard cheast. "Way to cool things down Cooper," he murmured but his arms were just as tightly around me. He was happy being there I knew.

"Refering to your list: we need rules because we both are drinkers and we used to have sex for escape. Or something like that. There were many other good points too close to this topic," I said biting my lip and still grinning. I love to give him his shit back. And he laughted. "You are right, but no boring rules. And I wanna hear more of you talking about that list," he named while tracing his thumb on my jawline. Punch of shivers ran throught my body and it wasn't easy to keep my head straight.

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