Chapter 58: snow

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The next few days went by quickly and Aerin's hangover had nearly gone, so she was making the most of her sleep.  She was fast asleep that morning, and were, regretfully, dragged out of bed by two very excited Hobbits. Merry and Pippin grabbed hold of her hands, and quite literally tugged her all the way outside. "Whaaaat?" Aerin questioned tiredly, her eyes still half shut because of the brightness. "Look, Aerin! It's snowing!" Aerin blinked a few times to clear her vision, and once she was actually able to open her eyes, looked up, only to realise that yes, it was indeed snowing. "Oh. Nice. Going back to bed now."

"But, Aerin! Snow! Snow!" Aerin blinked. "Why are you people so excited? It's just snow. It's the first day of winter, and it's fairly chilly out, and I think we're up north enough-of course it'll snow." "They are excited because it does not snow in Minith Tirith," said Aragorn, who had apparently been standing nearby with Legolas, both of them also watching the snowfall curiously.  "It has never once snowed here, henig," (child) explained her father, Lord Elrond, approaching, his eyes too on the sky. Though he appeared more cautious than anything else. "Not until today." 

"...Ah. Huh." Now Aerin too focused her blue gaze on the sky. Did it not snow here because of geography or some other reason? She thought to herself, she had spent too much time away from home so she was forgetting everything.

The snowfall seemed normal, the flakes large and fluffy, and falling straight down for the most part. It was still very pretty though. Now that her tiredness was fading, Aerin was finally beginning to appreciate the sight. She wasn't the only one enjoying it though. All around her Elves, Hobbits, Dwarves, Men, and Gandalf stood gazing up at the sky, most of them smiling. No one really knew if this was good or bad, but it couldn't be denied that Minith Tirith felt more peaceful than ever. Surprised, Aerin simply walked out of her room and walked outside towards the fountain alone. She stood there for a moment, tipping her head back so the cool drops fell onto your face. It felt nice. You hadn't been able to enjoy the snow when the Fellowship had all been travelling. Aerin had no idea how long she stood there for, lost in thought, but she was pulled out of them when she suddenly felt a presence behind her. Lowering her head, she turned around, only to see Legolas standing there. She had forgotten about him. When he held out his hand, Aerin took it despite her confusion. He twined her fingers together and brought his other hand to her waist. "Dance with me?" he requested, blue eyes tender, and voice soft.

Aerin tried not to shiver at the tone of his voice, and set her free hand onto the elf's shoulder. "Okay," she agreed amiably, unable to deny him. He was her weakness, this elf-had been since the moment she had first seen him. Legolas smiled and began to move to the music only he could hear, bringing Aerin with him and keeping the pace slow. Aerin followed his lead, oddly alright with dancing for once in her life. It took only moments for both of them to become completely soaked through from the snow, and Aerin wasn't going to be surprised if she got sick, but she found that she didn't care. Aerin and Legolas just continued to revolve around the same spot, the warmth coming off him warding off the chill of the snow and wind. His eyes were locked on her, and the way he was looking at her... His eyes were so soft, so tender, so full of love. "Legolas...." Something flashed in his eyes, flashed so quick you had no time to figure out what it was. He released Aerin's hand, which she absently set on his chest, and cupped her cheek gently. He said absolutely nothing.

Slowly, Legolas leaned in and touched his lips to hers. Aerin blinked, and then groaned inwardly, her eyes falling shut as she returned the sweet kiss, her fingers tangling in the elf's tunic. Legolas kissed her again, and again, and again, each one soft and chaste, every touch of him warm, heating her from the inside, even as the rain continued to fall around her steadily. She didn't know how this had happened, how her had gone from playfully dancing in the snow, to this...passion, but thinking about it wasn't going to help, was it? Suddenly, she felt Legolas smile, and opened her eyes, only to discover he was watching her.

"I love you," Legolas let escape suddenly. "I love you forever, Meleth nin." Aerin responded as they both turned to face the others who had been watching them the entire time. Arwen smiled before holding Aragorn closer. "Finally" Gimli muttered, "They took their sweet time.."

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