Chapter 7: hide

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Aerin sits down on a small bench and she notices Legolas standing off to the side, practicing his shooting. She blushes, already nervous.

What if I make a fool of myself? Aerin thought as she looked around, spotting the very thing she was looking for. A firing range. Aerin steps up to one of the marks, pulling an arrow from the quiver. She feel Legolas's eyes on her and she tries not to blush again as she draws her bow. Aerin focuses, breathing levelly before firing. The arrow flies true and hits the target, though not in the centre. She cannot shake her pride though, pleased that she hit the target reasonably close to where she meant to. But not as good as normal. 

"Not bad, but if you want I could give you a few pointers." Legolas says from beside Aerin as she jumps, her heart racing as she did not expect him. She look at him before saying, "I can shoot perfectly well, you distracted me." Legolas smirked, "Not like that." Aerin rolled her eyes. "I know you need my help." Legolas said as he took her bow from her hands and an arrow and draws it, eyes turning towards the target. Aerin notes the nuances of his form and posture, and the way he breathes out as he releases instead of holding his breath. His arrow hits dead centre and he looks at Aerin, silently offering the bow to her. 

Aerin takes the bow back and draw another arrow, aiming. "Elbow up a bit higher, and focus on keeping your breath steady." Aerin adjusts and as she breathed out and released. The arrow flies true and hits the target in the middle circle. She turns to him, a smile on her lips. He nods in approval, and an arrow flies between us and splits hers. Aerin stare at it before turning and seeing Aragorn.

"You could've just said hello..." Aerin said dryly as Aragorn laughed. Legolas's smile widens a bit and he greets Aragorn with a wave and a hello. "Forgive me, my lady. My name is Aragorn. It is a pleasure to meet you, and may I be the first to welcome you to the fellowship." Aerin laughs at his words and stutters over various responses. "Do you speak to my sister like this?" She laughs causing both Legolas and Aragorn to laugh.


The fellowship hadn't been walking for that long until they reached upon land and a few rocks. "We wait here, we need to rest." Aragorn ordered as everyone nodded.

"Crebain from Dunlan!" Legolas almost immediately shouted making everyone shudder. "Spies of Saruman." Aerin whispered to Pippin who was standing next to her. "Merry, Pippin... Sam take cover!" Boromir ordered as everyone panicked.

Everyone scrambled over to hide behind rocks and in bushes. But Aerin couldn't find anywhere to hide, but suddenly a pair of strong arms pulled her under a bush and out of sight from the crows. There she lay as still as possible with these arms around her waist. Suddenly, a pair of large crows fly low overhead, wheeling and circling above. As their dark shadow passes them, they suddenly wheel away, back towards the south. All members of the Fellowship stagger to their feet and Aerin turns to face her saviour and to her surprise, she sees Boromir, who smiles.

"Oh.. thanks Boromir." Aerin says as she tried to stand up out of the bush.

"You're very welcome Aerin." Boromir responded as he continued to smile. Okay this is very unusual, Aerin thought to herself. Aerin looks up to see Legolas glaring at Boromir. Boromir notices, "A helping hand for my lady?" Aerin blushes and Legolas glares again, but Aragorn shook his head. "Thank you Boromir, my hero." She joked which made him laugh.

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