Chapter 29: new friends

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The next day Aerin spent almost the entire day helping Éowyn and the women around the Hall, as there was much to be done. She could not sit still and not be useful, even if it be chores she had to deal with. There was something in Éowyn that Aerin could relate to, some sadness she could identify with, though she would have never admitted it myself. ''I apologise again that your rooms aren't better prepared,'' Éowyn repeated yet again, ''In these dark times... We did not expect anyone, especially not Lord Aragorn. Everything is happening so- so suddenly.''

''Do not worry about it, Éowyn,'' Aerin said, as she insisted that she drop the ''lady'' out of her address to her, ''We have slept in dirt and in caves, I'm sure none of us will mind any sort of chamber.'' She nodded hastily with a brief, forced smile, before she rushed to her next duty.

There was really nothing wrong with her room. With all that velvet and gold embroideries, Aerin wondered what the good rooms looked like. Her bed was gigantic, for one, and when she saw it she could almost shed a tear of joy. It was incredibly soft and comfortable too, and Aerin found that out the moment she stepped in for she all but threw herself at it. The baths and the comfortable bed were all she could have asked for for the rest of her life.

Gimli and Legolas shared a room, and Aerin wondered how that was going. Alright, by the looks of it, but she could not help but wonder what they talked about before falling asleep, or whether Legolas, Elf as he was, ever grew tired of Gimli's Dwarven ways. An Elf and a Dwarf sharing a chamber was sure to lead to hygiene-related discussions.

Éowyn and Aerin talked a lot and grew close very fast. They understood each other in a way Aerin had never experienced with any woman except for her sister. The first thing she learned about her was that she was a strong woman, willing to stand on her two feet and fight until her last breath - in any fight of life. And her life was not an easy journey either. Bits and pieces of her past were revealed to Aerin over the course of days, as they spent a significant amount of time together. For a while Aerin felt as though she was not alone.

Aragorn and Gandalf seemed to aways be discussing something with the King, and somehow there was always something for Aerin to help out with, and though Éowyn insisted it was not necessary, she just could not bring herself to sit still. She'd see them all at meals, and they'd talk for a short amount of time apart from the meals, and then each went their own way. Aerin was starting to miss them, oddly. Especially Legolas. The more distant he seemed to her, the more she longed for him. She did not understand it. But every time she caught his glance, something in her stirred.


''The times are no better, but I do see you again,'' Aerin heard a man say, ''It is a small world, and all the paths seem to be crossing these days.''

''Éomer,'' She greeted him, turning around, ''A small world - it would seem so.''

It was a beautiful night and she'd decided to spend some time on the balcony before going to sleep. The wind was soothing and oddly warm for the time of year. Aerin's thoughts had been restless and she needed some seclusion to sort them out. Éomer stood next to her, leaning with his elbows against the rail as well. ''I still cannot help but wonder, if you will take no offence, how is it that you ended up in this odd company. I have seen many fair maidens, but I've seen none out fighting Orcs,'' he smiled.

''Everything about my life has been unusual, 'tis but a small adventure,'' Aerin joked. ''I'll apologise again if I have offended you on that day of our first encounter,'' he said, ''Our lands are plagued by war, everywhere I turn, spies could be sneaking up. I don't even know where to look to first anymore. It is a mess I fail to clean up. It keeps escaping me.''

''It's quite alright Lord Éomer, I understand,'' Aerin said, ''I would have done it all the same myself. And I did look tortured,'' she chuckled. He smiled and lowered his head in embarrassment, before shaking it slightly. ''It's alright, my Lord, I shall forget all about it.''

''That would be wonderful indeed; thank you.''

''This is how I repay you for the horses. It is a fair price.''

''Those are fine horses, but you are too beautiful for it to be the price of your offence.''

Aerin blushed. It was dark so he did not see, but she was uncomfortable and she glanced away and shifted her weight awkwardly. Aerin thought she was moderately pretty, and that was as far as she would go in description. Beautiful seemed like something to use to describe her sister Lady Arwen or Lady Galadriel. Other elves were beautiful. Human women were pretty. Or very fair, if she's exceptional. ''Well it is alright,'' Aerin confirmed again, ''It's all in the past and forgotten.''

''Good,'' he smiled, ''My sister has grown very fond of you. It's a while since she last had a real friend. A friend who was a woman. I fear she has been feeling lonely, with all that is happening.''

''I feel the same,'' Aerin smiled back, ''I've been surrounded by men for quite a while. To say it is refreshing would be an understatement,'' she chuckled, ''Women need each other.''

''Therefore, I am glad you've come to us. Perhaps we can make friends while you are here, as well.'' Aerin smiled, ''Of course,'' she said. ''The night will grow colder, you should go rest,'' Éomer suggested. ''I will stay only a short while longer,'' Aerin explained. He bowed his head slightly, smiled, and wished her good night before he left.

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