Chapter 21: hope

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The river was strong and wild, so Aerin kept in the shallows close to the bank. The moment she took her first breath after diving below, she knew it was all she needed. She felt born again. She did not mind the cold. It made her feel alive again. After a while, Aerin heard Aragorn's voice behind her say ''Gimliii'' and then Gimli grumbled ''Of course, of course. This Dwarf should be so lucky. The last time Aerin saw a woman like that, she had a beard. A beard!'' She chuckled to herself, amidst it all.

Aerin put her clothes back on when she was finished, and she couldn't help but grimace at putting back clothing so dirty on her freshly washed skin. she covered herself completely with her Elven cloak as she sat next to the others, trying not to shiver in the cold. They could only see her face. ''These cloaks that my grandmother gave to us are the best things ever created,'' Aerin said, thankful that she was warming up so quickly. Legolas lit a fire again and soon Aerin could uncover my head and let my hair dry more quickly.

''Where did the hobbits run off to?'' asked Gimli after a while. She had not realised he did not know. ''The Uruk-Hai took Merry and Pippin,'' Aerin mumbled. ''I cannot be sure that Frodo was not with them,'' Aragorn said, ''But I believe he was not. I don't think he'd wish to expose his friends to the dangers of his quest.''

''I agree. I believe they separated fully. I saw the Uruk-Hai carrying Pip and Merry away with my own eyes. Frodo was long gone,'' Aerin said. ''And that laddie Sam?''

''Wait. I can see!'' exclaimed Legolas, jumping on his feet and rushing to pull one of the boats, ''Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore! Let us hurry!'' Gimli jumped to his feet as well, ready to move. Aragorn and Aerin knew better. They didn't even stir. Legolas looked at them with bewilderment, but Gimli simply stood dumbfounded. ''You mean not to follow them?'' Legolas asked, returning to our side. Aragorn simply continued cleaning his blade. ''Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands,'' he said simply. ''No one's is,'' Aerin said hopelessly, wanting once again to just die and be done with it. ''It has all been in vain!'' outcried Gimli, and Aerin did want him to join him in her desperation, ''The Fellowship has failed...''

''No,'' Aragorn replied short and sternly. He gave Aerin a hand to stand up. With his arm around Aerin he placed his hand on Legolas's shoulder, and the other one on Gimli's, before he spoke:
''Not if we hold true to each other.'' And Aerin smiled. She could not quite believe it, but the Fellowship still existed, whatever was left of it. As long as they were willing to die for each other, it existed. ''I tried to save Merry and Pippin once and failed, I would not give up on them and fail again,'' Aerin almost cried again. ''Of course not! We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light,'' announced Aragorn, ''Let us hunt some Orc!''

''Yes! Haha!'' Gimli exclaimed in sudden joy, and Legolas flashed a bright white smile.

They hid their boats and extinguished the fire. They took only what was absolutely necessary, before they ran off into the woods. Aerin would not leave Aragorn's side for anything. No matter how much more she was to lose in this war, she would have gone on until the end still. Frodo escaped. She had to believe that. Therefore there was hope, and with that a reason to fight and believe.

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