Chapter 38: battle pt.3

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Aerin slowly opened her eyes as she looked around her. She saw death. Mostly of her people. She rubbed her eyes free of dust, as she saw an orc walking towards her sneering. With all the strength she could muster Aerin sliced the head of the orc.

The combat upon the return to the top of the wall remains a haze in her mind. All she knew was there was far more of them than there was of them, and in each moment their numbers rose as theirs fell. They had to be stronger and faster; they had to be better. But for the good portion of battle up above all Aerin remembers the sounds of blades against her own and against her shield. She vaguely remembers killing, and being hit so hard it would bruise for a good while. She didn't know how long it lasted. She didn't know when into the night was it that she had her first moment to catch her breath. But it was in that moment that she saw a pack of Uruks move towards the main gate.

Their formation was perfect, like Aerin had never seen before in such savage beasts. They were covered with their shields protecting them from almost every side.

''Northway! Nauthannen!'' shouted Aragorn and the archers started shooting at the moving pack, some of the arrows hitting their shields and some of them hitting the Uruks from their unprotected side. They started falling down but there were still too many against the gate. Aerin knew what they wanted; she knew why they were so well organised to survive their ascent to the gate.

But then Aerin noticed something else, something far more terrifying. She rushed along the wall through the fighting crowd, trying to reach a good spot. Troops of the Uruk-hai were headed towards the small drain in the wall, and one of them was running ahead of the crowd carrying some sort of explosive. She screamed out Legolas's name as she notched an arrow to her bow and tried to aim at the Uruk myself but she killed one of the Uruks behind him instead. Had she been able to afford it, she would have cried out of frustration. ''Togo hon dad, Legolas! Dago hon! (Shoot him down!)'', Aragorn screamed.

Legolas shot two arrows at the Uruk quickly, but that did not kill him; the Uruk managed to light the fire and throw himself in the drain. Next thing Aerin knew, the explosion swept her off her feet into a slumber. She didn't know how long it lasted.

When next Aerin opened her eyes, the headache she felt almost made her wish she had been killed. It took her a few moments to regain full consciousness, to realise what had happened and how the wall exploded and where exactly she was. Once she did, Aerin stood up swiftly, too swiftly for she almost fell back down from dizziness. But she could not afford it. Even as blood trickled down my face and her left shoulder ached, she knew she could not afford it. What kind of evil-?  They stood no chance. They needed Éomer and Gandalf or they would all perish. The strong formation of Uruk-Hai was still stubbornly trying to breach down the main gate, even as their kin all but sprang out of the hole they made in the wall like insects.

A crowd of Uruks charged fiercely at them, too many of them, a number without end. They streamed inside the wall like the wild currents of Anduin, and Aerin was relieved to see that Aragorn had pulled back, and the men stood ready to charge against the Uruks. The Uruks held their spears pointed at them and every second they were closer, and all Aerin could think of was to scream: ''SHIELD WALL!!!!'' When she placed her shield in front, they all followed one by one, and soon they were behind their own little wall that had to hold fast against this surge. The shield-less men behind them stood ready with their weapons drawn.

''Hold fast!!''

When it hit them, it wasn't how Aerin expected it to be. It was far worse. The first surge at least, when the force of their bodies first pushed against them. Her muscles ached, but she wouldn't let go, even as the Uruks pushed and pushed savagely, and tried their best to reach us with their spears. Even one man was a tremendous loss in this formation, and they'd managed to kill more than one, but they still stood, still more protected than Aerin expected them to be.

''You, the red-headed lad!!''

The young ginger boy behind them looked at Aerin,  his face showing fear and confusion and hurry and shock all in the same. The small axe in his hands almost danced in his fingers. He was restless. But he had a bow, and Aerin could not use hers. ''When I say Open, you shoot! Can you shoot?!'' The boy glanced ahead reluctantly and opened his mouth to say something but it was taking too long. ''I need a Yes, boy! Can you do this?!''


''Ethelred! Unferth! Open!'' And so the two Rohirrim opened their shields to give entrance, and as a few Uruks surged ahead, the boy shot them all down one by one. ''Close!!'' Aerin gave a well done to the boy and he only nodded with an insecure but proud twitch of a smile. ''When next I say Open, we let them through! We will have them trapped from both sides, no matter their number! And then fight, for your lives!'' Cries were heard, and then Aerin counted. ''One, two, three. Open!!''

The men holding the middle of the wall opened it up and the other men followed, leaving space for the Uruks to push through. It was as Aerin supposed, luckily, for the beasts were so intent on pushing they could not stop themselves from rushing ahead now. Everyone reacted swiftly, cutting and slashing. The Uruks were so stunned and confused it gave them the upper hand, and soon they had cut down their numbers into something more fair.

And they were successful, or so it seemed, for they seemed to wipe them out. But that was only them, and their portion of evil, for still more and more of them seemed to be springing out of the hole in the wall, and it seemed endless. Aragorn could barely stand his ground, and Aerin saw Gimli and Legolas by his side too. ''To Lord Aragorn!'' Aerin motioned, and they ran to join them and help. But there was only so much they could do. As well as they all fought, there was nothing they could have done against such numbers - numbers without end it seemed. ''Aragorn, pull back to the gate!'' King Théoden shouted out his orders. ''Nan barad! (Fall back!),'' commanded Aragorn. ''To the Keep! Fall back to the Keep!'' Aerin all but screamed.

When they reached the gate, it was almost broken. A huge hole was made in it, and the Uruks attacked through. They could not possibly hold it much longer. Many of the men died trying to hold the gates. Even the King took a spear to the shoulder, and the beasts sneered at every drop of their human blood. ''There is only so much we can do!!'' Aerin  shouted out in desperation. ''They need to be stopped from the other side,'' Legolas reasoned.

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