| A Mayan's Mind |

Start from the beginning

Clove gave Coco one dirty glare before deciding she needed to handle her business rather than seeing Mila or yanking Coco's head off. With that being said, Regina left the clubhouse with EZ following her to her car. Clove scoffed, stomping away from the trio to inform Bishop of the news.

"I think I love Regina now," Gilly suddenly says, forgetting all about Yolanda. Angel snapped his glare at Gilly before smacking him across his arm.


Mila held her head back, looking up at the hospital ceiling. She wished to be out of here. Her nose had been broken and she held a new black eye. Emily was worse, so Mila wondered why she had to wait so long to leave. Dita sat beside her daughter, patting her hand. Carlos Lopez, Mila's driver, sat in front of the mother and daughter duo. Listening to the sound of the television. Keeping the waiting room somewhat lively.

"Do you think she will be okay?" Mila questioned lowly, pulling her posture back to its normal state. "Emily?"

"She will live, " Dita says once her daughter placed her attention on her.

Mila nods her head. Just when she thought the idea they had put together would work, it managed to backfire and trample the two women under its weight. Quite literally. Mila touched the bandage on her face, thankful she wasn't as bad as Emily. Who managed to break her collar bone.

As Mila lowered her hand, Regina quickly walked into the waiting room with stress written all over her forehead. Dita and Carlos placed their eyes on Regina with a question, but before they could question why she held such a look upon her flawless face, Regina took Mila by the wrist.

In shock, Mila is nearly yanked out of her chair. A few cries of worry come from Dita and Carlos, however, their voices are ignored as Regina rushed Mila towards the corridor leading towards the ER.

"What the hell?!" Mila half-whispered, half-shouted. Probably a little too loud for the nurses who walked past gave them dubious glances. "I was just nearly killed last night, you know!"

Regina clapped her hands together in front of her, shutting her eyes, and begun to speak rapidly;

"I know you told me not to tell Mr. Cruz but I did anyway and so now he knows. And EZ is waiting to see Emily in secret. She is on her way now -"

"You WHAT?!" Mila hissed, grabbing Regina's wrist to pull her more away from the Waiting Room. "You - told Johnny what happened and you brought EZ here to see Emily? Are you insane?!"

"What was I supposed to do?! He wanted to see Emily and even if I said no, he could have found her himself, " Regina replies.

Mila shook her head, rubbing her temples. The relationship between EZ and Emily wasn't much of a secret. Everyone knew she and the now Mayan Prospect were the IT couple back in the day. That was back then, and this is now. EZ has no business with Emily Galindo. If they are caught, the rather powerful Miguel will give them both hell.

An abrupt feeling of sadness took over Mila as she recognized Coco didn't follow. The news of what happened couldn't break his habit of staying away. With her eyes low, Mila's heart continued to sink deeper. If EZ rushed to see Emily despite their differences, what did this say about Mila and Coco?

"Hey, " Regina placed a gentle hand on Mila's arm and smiled. "You're my friend and I just wanted to see you happy. Like before."

Mila searched Regina's face as if be searching for something important. She never saw Regina as her friend, just her assistant. Not only did she not see Regina in that light, Mila had never heard anyone tell her this. At least not for a long time.

A friend. A normal sane friend. With a hint of an idiot sprinkled in there. Mila breathed in, taking in the wave of emotions.

"Thank you for trying, " Mila sighed, looking towards the Waiting Room entrance to see Miguel standing just outside. Looking their way. "Just make sure my brother doesn't find out about this meeting between them."


Mountains of paperwork, confusion, and stress; Mila finally managed to escape the clutches of doctors and nurses. The smell of cleaning supplies was making her nauseous and the coldness inside of the building seemed to be never-ending. Dita chose to stay behind to comfort Emily. While Mila said her goodbyes to her mother, Emily appeared and the two women shared a knowing glance. A secret between them not even Miguel could know.

Mila is more than capable of keeping secrets. She still held a few in her sleeves.

With Regina at her heel and Carlos escorting them out of the building, Mila tapped through her phone for any missed important news. Completely ignoring the urging nurse who begged for Mila to sit in the wheelchair. Hospital protocols.

Once in the parking lot, Mila went for the SUV stationed just near the front entrance. As she pulled her attention from her phone, feeling something or someone eyeing her down from across the parking lot, Mila raised her head to see Coco.

Leaning against his bike, parked just on the other side of the parking lot, Coco watched as Carlos opened the door for Regina. Mila paused, lowering her phone. Her chest felt as if it were to explode from the sight of the man she so desperately needed. For a long while, she couldn't move. Couldn't think.

Coco might have been too far for Mila to make out his mood, she assumed he worried for her just as EZ worried for Emily.

"Ms. Galindo?" Carlos touched Mila's forearm. Still holding the back door open for his employer.

Mila looked up towards Carlos with wide eyes. With a pleasure bubbling up inside of her, Mila cleared her throat. She quickly took one last at Coco. The man took a chance to awkwardly wave. She licked her lips before moving into the SUV.

Seeing him giving her hope.

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