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"I wasn't aware of a family reunion," Dasker hinted at wanting an explanation for their sudden arrival. One of the men spoke up,

"Yes, we will get to that." The three of his siblings eyed Raven, looking her up and down with an expecting look. Their stares made her grow nervous. She looked to Dasker, looking for instruction. He had already walked past them and moved closer to Raven, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her to his side. He gazed at his siblings with a possessive look, and they averted their eyes, realization sinking into their minds. Raven caught a look of surprise on one of the men's faces, but it quickly disappeared. "We need to speak to you," the man glanced at Raven for only a second before turning back to Dasker. "Alone." Dasker turned to Raven, giving her a nod as a signal to leave the room. She glanced at his siblings before walking away and heading towards Dasker's room. She had slept mostly in his bed during her time isolated in the house, for she loved being surrounded by his scent. She never told him that, though. Instead, she had told Dasker that his mattress was just a lot more comfortable than any other. In a way, she wasn't lying. Raven laid down on the bed and pulled the blankets up to her chest. She adjusted the pillows beneath her head until she felt comfortable, and as she inhaled Dasker's addicting scent, she fell into a deep sleep.

Meanwhile, Dasker and his siblings sat around a table as they informed him of the reason for their visit. His sister, Isabelle, was the first to speak up. "We were informed of vampires and wolves, together, plotting your demise." Dasker stiffened up.

"I'm aware," he answered. His eldest brother, Cayden, was the next to speak.

"Do you know that they plan on taking over the Bloodrose pack?" Sebastian, Dasker's younger brother, decided to join in.

"And that they want to slay the lycan that is to rise?"

"I am very well aware of all of that," Dasker interrupted, scanning his siblings.

"Then why is it that we didn't hear any of this from you?" Isabelle harshly questioned, the hurt in her voice obvious. The room silenced as his siblings waited for an answer.

"People have long wanted to kill me, so that's not new." Dasker started, "My pack will never fall onto the hands of those weak and greedy wolves- I'll make sure of it. And as for slaying the lycan, well that's the dumbest shit I've heard in a long time." Cayden let out a chuckle, nodding his head in agreement.

"Why do they think your pack will-" Sebastian stopped himself, "Do they not know?" Dasker, Isabelle, and Cayden all shook their heads. Sebastian burst out laughing. "I can just imagine the looks on their faces if they figure it out."

"You're giving them a lot of credit. I can't imagine that the same people who think they can slay a lycan would be able to use their brains in such ways." Isabelle replied, receiving nods of agreement from around the table. After a couple of moments of silence, Cayden spoke up.

"Dasker, we're here to offer you assistance." Before Dasker could argue, Cayden continued, as if he knew what Dasker was going to say. "We don't doubt your capabilities. Think of us as either a precaution or a backup plan." Thinking it over, the image of Raven flashed into Dasker's mind. He needed to keep her safe, no matter what. Although he knew his pack's strength was immense, he knew he shouldn't refuse his siblings' offer.

All of his siblings were hybrids with great strength, including Zara, though her case was much different. Dasker, Sebastian, and Cayden were all alphas of powerful packs- the strongest packs in the world. Isabelle, on the other hand, chose to live alongside vampires. This wasn't because she preferred them over werewolves, but because it allowed her to live a more 'normal' life, without the constant connection of a wolf pack. Or so she claimed. More than likely, Isabelle enjoyed living amongst more humans because it meant she was constantly surrounded by a blood buffet. She had earned herself a worldwide reputation, and some liked to call her a 'drainer'. This was because if someone pissed her off, one way or another, she would always find them and kill them- but not before completely draining them of their blood, until their veins were dry as dust. As children, the siblings were taught to never waste food. Isabelle carried that lesson with her, taking it to heart, and would probably continue to do so for as long as she lived. Meanwhile, Zara chose to lay low, residing in the Bloodrose pack alongside Dasker. While Zara was part vampire, she had sought the assistance of an elder witch, long ago, to conceal that part of her. She informed none of the siblings of her plan, for she knew they would try to stop her. Even while her vampire side, including her abilities and bloodlust, was locked away inside of her, she was still a hybrid. This meant her lifespan was eternal, just like that of her siblings.

After this occurred, she didn't view herself fit to rule her pack anymore. So, she made arrangements for Cayden to merge her pack with his and rule, whilst she lived her life as a normal pack member. Her pack was deeply upset, but they obliged. Although they all wished for their luna to remain in her rightful place, they admired her for stepping down and arranging for their maintained future, instead of abandoning them.

Isabelle and Sebastian both thought her crazy for this, but she ignored their remarks. Dasker believed she must have had her reasons for it, so he never pried. Cayden was the only one who knew why she didn't want to rule or deal with the vampire in her, and he swore to her he'd never reveal her reasons to anyone. Kept his promise he has, for he's never even come close to spilling her secret. 

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