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The rest of the night, Raven couldn't fall asleep, tossing and turning under her blankets for what seemed like an eternity. Dasker had gone back to his room after their interaction, and she couldn't stop thinking. Why had her wolf only now chosen to show itself? What were these feelings she felt? Before she knew it, daylight beamed in through the blinds of her windows, and she pulled herself out of bed. Leaving only a note behind to inform Dasker she had gone out, Raven sprinted into town, following the path she and Dasker and always taken. Once she arrived she began wandering around, looking for the town hall, hoping to spot Zara somewhere. To her luck, after about 15 minutes of walking around, she finally spotted her walking alone in the crowds. "Zara!" Raven called out, pushing her way through the masses. Zara turned back and smiled.

"Oh, Raven! Hey." The two met in the middle of the crowded area.


"What're you doing here?" Zara pulled Raven into an embrace.

"I was looking for you, actually. I-uh, I'm having a little problem with... something. I thought you might be able to help me..."

"Oh, okay. Did you talk to Dasker about it?"

"I was actually thinking of, uh, keeping it between us."
"Of course. I was actually heading home right now- do you wanna come over and talk about it there?" Raven nodded and followed Zara, and the two spent the time getting to know each other. They got along quite easily, quickly realizing they had much in common.

At the house, they relaxed in the living room, which gave off a cozy feeling. "So, what was it that you wanted to talk about earlier?" Zara asked.

"Well," Raven straightened herself up in her seat, "You're a wo- an, um..." Zara laughed.

"Yes, I'm a werewolf."

"Okay. So, I've never in my whole life, except now, obviously, knew I had a wolf. I've

never changed into one or anything like that." Zara seemed surprised at her words but kept quiet. "Now, I'm getting these, like, weird feelings- I don't know how to explain them. Sometimes, it's hard to control what I say, even, and yesterday my eyes changed colors. I know it has to be my wolf, right?"

"Correct," Zara answered, nodding her head.

"Okay. Well, this might sound weird, but, is there a way I can keep it from ever showing?" Zara thought for a minute.

"Well, she'll probably keep fighting you. You guys share a mind, so it'd be pretty hard."

"Wait, if we share a mind, then can't we talk to each other?"

"You haven't talked to her?" Zara seemed even more surprised than before.


"At all?" She further interrogated.

"Not even once, Zara."

"That's weird..." Suddenly, her face grew concerned. "I know this might seem a bit straightforward, but, what happened before you got here? Why did you come here?" Raven wasn't surprised, though. She had previously thought about this- about where she had been, about why she came here- and she could think of nothing. All she remembered was being in the small desert, exhausted, crying until the heat made it impossible.

"I don't remember." Zara seemed to drift away into her thoughts before returning her gaze to Raven.

''Okay. The only occurrences I've ever heard of where people don't turn or talk to their wolf is... "

"What?" Raven urged.

"It's when someone- or their wolf- gets hurt, or, traumatized... If you don't remember anything from before you got here, then..." Raven sunk into her own mind, scavenging it for any clues as to what had happened that led to her in the desert, but, alas, she came up with nothing. She covered her face with her hands, sinking into the couch.

"How can I remember? There has to be something I can do, right?"

"Well..." Zara hesitated, but then rose up and grabbed her phone. She tapped the screen a couple of times before raising it up to her ear, waiting. "Hey!" Raven watched as Zara talked on the phone. "Quick question, would you, by any chance, know how to help someone regain lost memories?" She could faintly hear a quiet voice respond. "Okay! Could we meet up soon? it's kind of important." A couple more seconds passed by, and Zara's face lit up in surprise. "Oh, okay then!" Standing up, she placed the phone down and headed towards the door, opening it to reveal an older woman. The lady greeted Zara, then Raven, and sat in the chair opposite of the two in the living room. Her name was Nandi. "Raven, Nandi's a witch. There are a lot of them that live in this territory, but she is by far one of the best."

"So, what is it this time, my Zara?" The lady smiled warmly. Zara explained Raven's situation, making sure to not miss a single detail. "I see... well, regaining the memories is no problem." She turned to Raven. "But my dear, are you sure this is what you want? Nothing in magic goes without consequence or sacrifice."

"Yes. I need to know."

"Very well," Nandi started, "But there are some things you should know. Everything you felt in your memories, you will feel once again, but it will be amplified greatly. For that reason, I will break the spell at your asking. But trust me when I say this; do not try to take in more than you can handle." Raven was nervous- scared, even- but still, she nodded, aching to know. 

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