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Nandi stood up, grabbing a sharp blade from her purse, gesturing for Raven to step closer. She gently took Raven's hand, exposing her palm, and ran the blade down. Dark, red blood began running from the cut, and Nandi forced Raven's hand close, enveloping it with her own, causing Raven to flinch at the pain. Her eyes seemed disconnected from the world as she whispered to herself, in a voice so low neither of the young women could hear. The pain from Raven's cut grew until her breath was sucked in, and a series of emotions flooded her body and mind.

An image of a man was engraved in her mind. Charming- yet evil. Quickly, the image changed. She could feel an enormous pain flow through her as she watched him grab her arms and slam her to the wall, yelling at her, angry. "Why the hell do you cry so much!?" He swung his hand to her face, a sharp sound echoing in the room as tears streamed down her eyes. He turned around for only a second, but Raven saw. Her eyes flashed gold, but returned to normal once the man faced her. "I do so much for you, Raven, but you're selfish! You don't give a shit, do you?" Her face now looked empty, like the life was drained out. The man smashed his fist to the wall beside her, but she didn't flinch. "Answer me, damn it!" Silence. He swung his fist towards her again, and while Raven cried out in pain, her eye stinging, the version of herself in the memory didn't react. At that moment, she realized it wasn't her anymore. It was her wolf.

After sequencing a handful of memories, all in a second's time, Raven continued on, her body throbbing from the torture, and the suffering in her mind grew.

It was dark. She was lying on the bed, a genuine smile on her face as she cuddled in with the man who had so ruthlessly beaten her numerous times before. "If it's a girl, what should we name her?" She placed a hand on her belly, and Raven was shocked as she noticed the bump. She was pregnant! Raven felt joy, but it was quickly washed away as her memories sped up.

She was in a hospital bed, alone, blood covering the sheets. Although she was in a tremendous amount of pain, it was the fear that embodied her. A nurse stepped into the room, a look of sympathy on her face. "I'm sorry. You've miscarried." Her heart dropped, and at that moment, Raven had seen it again- what she had seen in every memory of pain. Her eyes flashed gold. Unlike the other memories, though, this time, the pain only grew. She cried her eyes out, and Raven could feel a great agony stab at her heart. No longer could she tolerate it.

"Stop!" Raven cried out, "Stop it! Stop!" Her memories faded out, and she was back in the living room, Zara and Nandi next to her, concern growing on their faces. Raven dropped to the ground, unable to stop her tears from streaming. Zara kneeled down, pulling her into an embrace.

"It's okay, Raven. You're okay."

"No..." Raven cried, "No!" She pushed herself away from Zara, her watery eyes red. "I... I miscarried...." Her breath was shaky. In a moment's notice, the front door of the house swung open roughly, and at the sight of Raven, Dasker rushed in, pulling her into his arms. He held onto her tightly as she wrapped her arms around him, crying into his chest. He lifted Raven up and, with a glance at his sister, rushed out of the house with his inhuman speed. Within only a couple seconds, they were inside his house, and he carried Raven to his bedroom, gently lying her down on his bed. He laid next to her on the mattress, pulling a blanket over her and wrapping his arms around her tightly, letting her cry until she fell tired and drifted to sleep on his chest.

When Raven awoke a couple of hours later, in disbelief of what she had seen, she looked around the room she was in. She had never been in Dasker's room before. It was minimalistic, though it looked complete in every way. She turned herself over to see Dasker sound asleep on top of the blanket. Even in the pain she felt, knowing that Dasker was right there- knowing that he truly cared for her-, helped ease her mind. She lied back down, recalling her recovered memories. In the times of her suffering, her wolf would take over, enduring the majority of the pain herself. That's not to say Raven didn't also feel it, but she could tell that whoever was in control felt more of the experience than whoever was dormant. Now, Raven felt guilty. She understood why her wolf no longer wanted to come out or speak to her. Yet, she did come out. With Dasker. Just then, she heard a groan, and the bed moved as Dasker adjusted himself in his sleep. Raven watched him in awe, feeling slightly better. She pulled herself out from underneath the blankets, and just as she was about to get off the bed, she felt a delicate grip on her wrist. "Dasker..." She whispered, turning back. He was barely awake, his eyes still adjusting to the light, "Go back to sleep."

"Where are you going?" He mumbled, letting go of his grip and stretching his arms. Seeing him like this made Raven smile.

"None of your business!" She teased, hopping off of the bed and shuffling to the door. As she reached for the handle, a slight wind rushed past her and Dasker appeared in front of her, his back on the door. His hair was messy, and he was still half asleep. "Really?" A smirk appeared on his face as he shrugged his shoulders. Raven grabbed one of his arms and tried pulling him away from the door, but he proved to be too strong. "C'mon, just..." She pulled again. "Move!" A laugh escaped her lips.

"Damn, I thought you were stronger." He teased, a playful look in his eyes. A feeling spread through Raven, the same feeling she got when- oh no. Her eyes swirled gold as a wide smile appeared on her face. She stepped towards Dasker, gently grabbing his arm and gazing into his, now red, eyes lustfully. She inched closer to him before pulling his arm forcefully and swinging him away from the door, letting it go as he fell backward onto the mattress. She twisted the doorknob and flashed dasker a wink before strolling out, her eyes returning to normal. 

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