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Arriving at a beautiful, large, wooden house, Raven took in the sight before following the man inside. The interior was just as beautiful as the outside, she noticed, as he led her to a room at the end of a hallway. In the center of the room was a big, fluffy bed that looked as cozy as sleeping on clouds. Attached to the side of the room was a bathroom. Everything was minimally decorated, ideal for Raven, who loved it. She was taken out of her observations by a click behind her. The door was closed. Worry ran through Raven's blood. Was she locked in? She ran to the door, twisting the handle, and, to her surprise, it wasn't locked. It turned, and she opened the door to see the man walking away. "Where are you going?" He only glanced back.

"Somewhere." He replied coldly and continued walking.

"Well, can you at least tell me your name?" Raven stared. The man turned around, his eyes gazing into hers from afar. He made his way to her, never breaking eye contact, until he was standing only inches away from her face. He was so close that Raven could feel his warm breath on her body as he leaned into her ear.

"Dasker." He moved back, a slight smirk on his face as he walked away. Raven's cheeks were flushed red. Damn it, Raven. She thought to herself. Why do you feel like this!?

The rest of the day, Raven slept on the fluffy bed, exhausted. Once she woke up, she opened a dark, wooden dresser to find an array of clean clothes. A small smile formed on her lips. She went through all the clothes, picking out what she liked, and then tried them on. Some of the clothes were a little too small for her, but others fit pretty well. Wearing comfy shorts and a plain black shirt, she made her way out of the room, deciding to explore the house. Looking out the windows, she saw that it was dark outside, with trees surrounding the land endlessly. The darkness outside induced paranoia in Raven, but she shook it off, focusing on the lights that brightened the inside of the house. Wandering around, she made it to the kitchen, and her stomach rumbled. She had forgotten about her hunger in the midst of the events of the day, but now she couldn't. "Hungry?" A deep, smooth voice asked from behind. Raven jumped.

"Uh, y-yea. A little..." She stuttered. She couldn't get over the effect he had on her. She had barely known him, yet just the sound of his voice made her get nervous and flustered. He walked over to the fridge, looking inside.

"What do you like?" He asked, looking over his shoulder.

"You..." She mumbled, not realizing she had spoken out loud. Dasker's eyebrow rose in amusement, yet another smirk on his face. Raven looked up at him, entranced in his expression. He walked up to her, his gaze at her eyes, and lifted her chin up.

"Oh yeah?" He whispered softly, now staring at her lips. Raven's heart sped up. She couldn't bring herself to move. He leaned in closer until their lips were about to touch, but then he turned his face, leaning into her ear. "What do you like to eat?" He chuckled, backing away. Finally breaking her trance, Raven backed up, cheeks red.

"A-anything's fine." 

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